
Another Disgraceful Display From The New Breed Of Democrats

I have no words for this other than turn off CNN
A week doesn’t go by where some effing Venezuelan illegal rapes and kills some young girl.

The thing about Mr. Schmidt is he has TDS so bad that he will deny, in the face of overwhelming evidence, anything that hurts grampa Joe. I guarantee you he believes or pretends to believe Trump claimed white supremacists were good people in Charlottesville. In fact, according to Biden it was the impetus for him running in 2020. Anyone who watched the speech knows its BS. Including inexplicably Snopes. Even if they are 7 years late.

I guess all the video evidence and even democrat mayors is deep fake ? 🤪
Yes and no. The border footage doesn't tell the actual story and FOXNews shows the same clips over and over.

AFA Democratic mayors, i did cringe when a democratic mayor (is there more than one) did that. Has there been more than one? As for sheriffs and the BPO union, they are hard wired to say they need more money. Wasn't that the case forever?

It is also true that Republicans refused to sign the bill they crafted because Trump thought it would hurt his election. That had money for local LE and CPB. And it had money for making immigration hearings (my issue) take 6 months instead of 4 years. Most all asylum seekers are sent back after their hearings.
A week doesn’t go by where some effing Venezuelan illegal rapes and kills some young girl.

The thing about Mr. Schmidt is he has TDS so bad that he will deny, in the face of overwhelming evidence, anything that hurts grampa Joe. I guarantee you he believes or pretends to believe Trump claimed white supremacists were good people in Charlottesville. In fact, according to Biden it was the impetus for him running in 2020. Anyone who watched the speech knows its BS. Including inexplicably Snopes. Even if they are 7 years late.

When faced with a debate, you always revert to your dumbest arguments. And like this, they usually have nothing to do with the topic.

You're smart. You should limit yourself to your smarter arguments.
It is also true that Republicans refused to sign the bill they crafted because Trump thought it would hurt his election.
Excerpted from The Hill...a democrat-founded political news website:

"No. It’s the Democrats who are playing politics with the border.

The Border Act would not secure the border. Among other weaknesses, it fails to provide a solution to the most serious problem, which is that Biden has released so many asylum seekers into the country that our asylum system has broken.

One of its other weaknesses is the provision that gives authority to shut down the border, which wouldn’t kick in until the seven-day average number of cumulative encounters with inadmissible migrants is between 4,000 and 5,000 per day. And it would be discretionary unless the seven-day average is above 5,000 per day."

5k/day plus billions for Ukraine and Israel tied in (2 completely unrelated problems that have no business being tied to this bill) made this bill untenable.

Your claim that this is a "republican" problem works on the uninformed who watch TV. Not all of us here.

And there were a small number of republicans who crafted the bill yes. Uniparty, old-school republicans. Saying republicans wrote the bill is akin to saying the J6 committee was bipartisan....a load of crap.

Why no discussion of "inadmissible" migrants including prisoners being released from their jails and shuffled up to our border, where they can come in and wreak havoc on our country? The murder, rape and crime is overwhelming Europe, and will come to a head soon, even if your media refuses to report any of it.
I have no words for this other than turn off CNN
Yes and no. The border footage doesn't tell the actual story and FOXNews shows the same clips over and over.

AFA Democratic mayors, i did cringe when a democratic mayor (is there more than one) did that. Has there been more than one? As for sheriffs and the BPO union, they are hard wired to say they need more money. Wasn't that the case forever?

It is also true that Republicans refused to sign the bill they crafted because Trump thought it would hurt his election. That had money for local LE and CPB. And it had money for making immigration hearings (my issue) take 6 months instead of 4 years. Most all asylum seekers are sent back after their hearings.
Do you mean the bill that did nothing and that was designed by the democrats specifically to be used as a gotcha, sorta like Chuckie's bump stock ban the other day ? The one that isn't even necessary since all Biden has to do is undo the BS he did when he took office and created this mess with EOs ?
When faced with a debate, you always revert to your dumbest arguments. And like this, they usually have nothing to do with the topic.

You're smart. You should limit yourself to your smarter arguments.
Actually, there shouldn't be any Venezuelan "asylum seekers" at the US border. The only asylum seekers at our border should be Mexican. Any other nationality who is a true asylum seeker would claim such the minute he/she touched the soil of a neighboring country. But somehow, they manage to claim asylum here. Amazing.
Do you mean the bill that did nothing and that was designed by the democrats specifically to be used as a gotcha, sorta like Chuckie's bump stock ban the other day ? The one that isn't even necessary since all Biden has to do is undo the BS he did when he took office and created this mess with EOs ?
And oh, BTW, in one of Joe's complaints about not passing the border bill, he called on Trump, yeah, the guy he hates, to get the Republicans in line and vote for the bill. It was one of the weakest moments in presidential history. He called for help from the guy who is no longer President, who is his main political adversary, to do Joe's job of corralling congress to pass the bill. It reminded me of the scene in the movie Red where Bruce Willis' girlfriend is detained and the CIA man asks her for help in hunting down Bruce. Her response: your so lame. As is Joe.
And oh, BTW, in one of Joe's complaints about not passing the border bill, he called on Trump, yeah, the guy he hates, to get the Republicans in line and vote for the bill. It was one of the weakest moments in presidential history. He called for help from the guy who is no longer President, who is his main political adversary, to do Joe's job of corralling congress to pass the bill. It reminded me of the scene in the movie Red where Bruce Willis' girlfriend is detained and the CIA man asks her for help in hunting down Bruce. Her response: your so lame. As is Joe.
Oh and she is hotter than a microwave oven too.