Quick little story. A couple years ago I was on a mini digging up a gas main in N. St. Louis on the corner of Marcus and St. Louis Ave. I guy in a blacked out Escalade come screaming down Marcus toward me. I hear what sounds like bottle rockets wizz by my ear and a second later I hear the report from the .45 he was firing at me. So I jump off my tractor and get behind it on the ground. There's an AT&T guy on the side of a house across the street. He runs over and picks me up and asks if I'm ok. I tell him I'm fine. He gets in his truck and leaves, leaving his tools and ladder behind. I finished digging my hole killing the service I was abandoning.
These are the holes in the house directly behind me. Missed me by less than a foot. We counted 15-20 .45 casings in the intersection.
These are the holes in the house directly behind me. Missed me by less than a foot. We counted 15-20 .45 casings in the intersection.