Hi gang!
A couple of days ago I received my order of two CMC 10 round magazines for my new Garrison. I know it would be difficult to conceal with the extended mag. But winter is coming and I'll be wearing more/larger outer garments. I need to research a mag carrier for this. I don't have any single stacks.
I've been considering carrying my Garrison, at least on occasion. I just received a couple of holsters, enough to get my training started. They are from Raw Dog Tactical, very reasonably priced. For IWB I have one of their "
Defender Pro Series", a hybrid with kydex shell and leather back. I also have DCC clips for this one. For OWB you see their "
Guardian Pro Series".
You might remember that I have one of their IWB leather holsters for my XD9. It has a deep conceal and is really comfy.
These "value priced" holsters for my 1911 will give me a chance to train with my Garrison and decide whether or not it will work for carry in the real world, not just at the range. I'll also practice with them down in my basement laser range. I need to install the DCC clips, check and adjust the cant and retention, etc. I enjoy geeking out with this stuff.

If I decide to carry the .45 often, then I will invest in a more worthy holster. I just thought I'd start out with a bang-for-your-buck solution. Please don't think any less of me. As if you could.
Thank you for your indulgence,