Ok, if I may ask, how does the rifling look In the barrel, is it crisp or kinda smooth, just wondering, also my best guess it’s the S&B ammo.
the barrel looks "normal" to me, rifling isn't like say what a Glock's would look like, but not smooth..??? as in no rifling???
not really sure how you meant to have asked that....
another thing too, i am thinking, is that at the club, there is no "backing board" when we hang up targets, they are "free to sway" with each shot.
unlike the range (where i had planned on going today), we staple the targets to a cardboard backer, which holds the targets in place.
i'll take pics today as well of this trip.
both my reloaded ammo, and the S&B were of 230 gr.
of course, my ammo has the starting charge of 4.0, i don't know the charge of the S&B....
i also deleted all my past range target pics, they were useless to keep in the files, so i cannot say how the S&B acted in the past?
i also field stripped and lubed the gun when i got it home form the LGS...
i did not scrub the barrel, i just ran a wet patch thru it, dried it, then gave it some lube (internally like i always do)
the gun was made in 2021, in fact, 11/8/2021, and sat in a warehouse until last week when i bought it.....jeez, for a popular gun, that sells fast, and hard to find (as i was told by 2 different gun stores), why was this one sitting..????
anyways, thanks guys!!