
Anyone with technology issues?


I admit it, I have issues with tech. Going on 70, you would think my wealth of experience would cover this stuff, but nooooooooooo. I built a computer 30 years ago, but give me a new phone or tv. Bah! Installed a new big screen tv yesterday and had to take some Tylenol afterwards. Boy did my head hurt. The logic in my brain doesn't appear to match the Chinese and their instruction manuals. Enough said. I sure do like having a bigger screen. Open Range last night was delightful.
Lol, we just got a smart TV awhile back, been into pc’s since DOS, new stuff can be a pain at times, I’m still having issues with my iPhone XR, ever since Apple released there Rapid Response security update awhile back, I will just lose my cell signal. Been to Verizon now 3 times, 3rd SIM card, now Verizon has to send cards back to corporate to find out what is the issue, Verizon said to hold off getting a new one yet, said since update went out, over 4,000 others has the same issue, turn phone off and back on, phone will be fine for about a week or so
i'm still having problems with those self adhesive postage stamps.

but, back in my wrenching days, new computers were coming onto the scene, if it wasn;t the CCC Carburetors from GM, it was the Lean Burn from Chrysler, or the thin film ignition modules from Ford.

Toyota, Mazda, Datsun, and all the other foreign car makers had thier version of hell under the hood.

i too was heavily into computers as far as building them, setting them up, but certainly not any sort of programing language.

when i drove trucks, it was a good ole laminated issue of the Rand McNally Truckers Road Atlas, and mapping out my routes.

then came the Bag cell phones, then came Qualcomm satellite tracking and communications i had to learn.

and the list of high tech stuff just keeps coming, and things invented today, are old tomorrow.

i am glad i have manual reloading equipment, and not that multi- thousand dollar computerized reloading presses.

sometimes, simple is just good, and quiet and peaceful......

until a primer pops out of the cup, and i wanna strangle someone.
I readily admit to being technologically challenged. I'm a dinosaur. I have a cell phone. I can make a call or send a text. But don't ask me to do anything more than that. :rolleyes:
I turned wrenches for 42 years. Mostly on trucks and equipment. When I started finding computers in Backhoes, I knew it was time to retire. :mad:
I admit it, I have issues with tech. Going on 70, you would think my wealth of experience would cover this stuff, but nooooooooooo. I built a computer 30 years ago, but give me a new phone or tv. Bah! Installed a new big screen tv yesterday and had to take some Tylenol afterwards. Boy did my head hurt. The logic in my brain doesn't appear to match the Chinese and their instruction manuals. Enough said. I sure do like having a bigger screen. Open Range last night was delightful.
TVs can be particularly hard to setup, especially if you have a universal remote and need multiple things to talk to each other.
I really like Win 3.1 used it a lot, along with DOS 6.0
Can’t recall what the company system was, likely some late DOS or Win. that was slow, and for me not friendly. I just never “got it”. Never was big into computer tech but the new tech revamp they brought in Windows (98?) which was basic and rather easy. When I converted to iOS 20 yrs ago & never looked back. But tech is still a pain to relearn tricks with every update.
Back in the mid-90s the county I worked for invested heavily in Apple computers. In fact the county spent so much with Apple that Steve Jobs made the trip to Richmond, Va, and addressed the county's teachers. I used an Apple daily for about 7 years until Dell presented a lower bid and Apple lost out. Problem was we had a terrible time trying to convert over our documents from Apple to what Dell because they both used a different opperating system. None of the teachers wanted to lose several years of classroom plans and activities and this led to much anguish at the time.
I always thought Alienware pc’s were good machines, but when Dell bought them out, they turned out to be junk, had one, nothing but trouble and there tech support wasn’t anything to brag about. That was the last Win based machine I owned, was without any pc until about 2 years ago and got a Mac, best thing I ever done