
Apex Tactical Announces New Hellcat Trigger

Fantastic! Here is a picture of mine installed. I was going to install it myself but after talking to a gun smith and realizing I would need to go purchase a vise to do the trigger installation and how difficult he thought it was I decided to pay him to do it. He said it is a very tricky and somewhat difficult to install trigger and easy to damage or make a mistake. I decided that taking on a hard one as a first timer was probably not wise on a gun I need to work should I ever need it. He said the easy ones he charges anywhere from $30 to $50 but this one was $60 to install and it took an experienced person with all of the tools about 45 minutes.


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The trigger feels nicer with the rounded edges and is aluminum with a shorter reset. The original trigger is sometime of plastic polymer and feels cheap in comparison. This trigger feels closer in quality and action to the Sig P356xl trigger.
It does I bought a red trigger on a FDE model so that may look nice.
They sold out of the red ones. I almost bought one but then I thought it might be too obvious to the other half that I was spending more money on my gun. :)

I hope to go try it out at the range today and see how it shoots.
Apparently it is easy to damage the trigger. The new trigger comes with a pin already partially inserted which I am guessing is to make it easier for an amateur to install. The returned parts included the original trigger pin. I tried to manually insert it into the old trigger and it doesn't just slide in. The installation video did not mention or show that the new trigger comes with a pin partially inserted (as I recall).
Mine is coming in mail today. I messed up my 911 putting the slide on I pushed down the extractor and a spring popped so I'll bring both guns in tomorrow morning
I didn't make it to the range today so maybe tomorrow. I am anxious to give this a try. I now also have Holosun 507Ks on both of my pistols, my Hellcat and my Sig P365XL. I did some bore sight alignment today so they are both ready for the range and final zeroing.
I took it to the range today and frankly, for me there was no comparison. I'm glad I put this trigger on. Smoother to the break and crisp without requiring too much force. I was shooting better and after shooting about 100 rounds my finger was not hurting like before.
Great news. My news is not so good. May take a week to get it back. 60 guns ahead of me and I pushed my extractor down to far on the 911 and it may take longer and if I need a part he said months. Heck I may have to buy something. 😈
My Hellcat is in for the new Apex trigger. Maybe a week. Busy busy gunsmith. My 911 maybe a big problem. He said if he needed parts it maybe months. Now that's bad. I may buy a Sig 938 and give the 911 380 to my wife or son once fixed. My Son has the Sig 320 but that's not a real conceal carry. I see a nice 938 at a local shop. Not unless anyone has ideas on a carry. I want small
Another Hellcat or the Sig P365 should work. The P365 XL is slightly larger but much easier for a woman to shoot. Racking the slide is easier and the snap is milder. It comes with a really nice trigger.