
ATF Announces New Reporting Requirements For Rifle Ssles In In The Southwest


Founding Member
This just isn’t right, something needs to be done to curb the ATF, Congress makes laws, not the ATF, this is not to curb so called guns going over the boarder, it’s just to restrict citizens the right to protect themselves..

Oh, yea, I miss spelled sales........go ahead....let me have it........go on...... 😁 😁 😁 😁

Maybe it's time for SCOTUS to start handing out injunctions/bring up on charges/punishments for Gov. agencies that ignore/do an end run around the law. Scotus rulings are a clarification of law so if someone is violating those decisions, then they are in most cases breaking the law.
Maybe it's time for SCOTUS to start handing out injunctions/bring up on charges/punishments for Gov. agencies that ignore/do an end run around the law. Scotus rulings are a clarification of law so if someone is violating those decisions, then they are in most cases breaking the law.

It would be up to the Justice Department to file lawsuits against those who go against SC rulings, or Congress could step up to the plate and clarify the issue. Remember that the court ruled against President Jackson when he decided to relocate the
Cherokee tribe. He reminded the court that they didn’t have an army.