
ATF wanted to melt down a Nambu MG


Founding Member
Good old ATF.
Melt down a WW 2 Jap MG instead of give it to a museum. Glad a Senator prevailed and told them to back off.
That would be pretty cool to see that fire in a MG legal shoot event.

I gots one

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The Japanese Type 92 heavy machine gun was nicknamed "the woodpecker" by Allied soldiers because of the sound it made when fired. The gun's low rate of fire and a stuttering effect during firing gave it this nickname. The Type 92 was a common tripod-mounted machine gun used by the Japanese during World War II. It was based on the Hotchkiss M1914 and had a caliber of 7.7 mm. The gun could use a rimless or semi-rimmed 7.7×58mm Shiki round, and sometimes a 7.7mm Arisaka round. It had a rate of fire of about 450 rounds per minute and rounds traveled at about 730 meters per second.