
Ayoob: Is There a 9mm 1911 Problem?

Why, oh why doesn't SA redesign the EMP frame for a double stack magazine holding at least 15 rounds? Hell, they could use Walther mags like Wilson did and skip mag development costs. Undercut the frame as high as possible, eliminate the grips altogether to keep the circumference as small as possible and work with one of the grip tape makers to provide traction, keep MSRP around $1000 and voila! - I bet you'd have a best seller on your hands.


A Wilson X9 for 1/3 the price?

Yeah. That’ll happen.
Why not? A lot of the Wilson price is brand name, hand fitting and recouping R&D costs. I bet programming the CNC machines for a double stack EMP would be much cheaper and let's face it - it would have a helluva lot less hand fitting.
I am looking forward to expanding my Springfield Collection, with The Ronin 4" 1911, 10mm, in January 2023
Good choice, just be prepared to replace the front sight fiber optic rod regularly. You will get skilled after the 2nd or 3rd one. In advance, don't get the flame too close to the plastic (it burns), otherwise the rod gets dark (burnt) and won't reflect/focus the light. You probably don't have to ask me how I know.
Very nice article!
I've had my REMP3 for almost a month now and I've shot just over 900 hundreds through it. It is now proving itself to be very reliable and accurate, and easy to shoot.
I was initially cleaning it every 100 rounds or so, but now about every 200-250. Definitely keeping it well lubed, and it is much smoother and less gritty than when I first shot it.
I've also been using some pretty clean-burning ammo like Sellier & Bellot, Fiocchi, and Norma -at least for the time-being.
My two instructors both enjoy shooting the gun and are highly impressed with it. The one instructor who has large hands like I do said he liked shooting the gun with the Hogue grips that I installed and previously posted photos of.
I plan to post a range report of some sort in the near future.
Did you ever do a range report?
I've had the EMP3 9mm for 6 years, an EMP3 40S&W and EMP4 CCC 9mm for 3 years and the REMP4 about 18 months. I will have to say that, to me, the REMP shots much nicer than the others do.
I'll have to do a side-by-side range comparison for all 4 of them at some point.
I have been remiss in not following up with a range report, but will do so.

Since posting, I had an ejector problem with the REMP 3, and while S/A was fixing the ejector I also had them do a trigger job to reduce the pull weight and make things smoother.

While the REMP was being serviced by S/A, I got lucky and was able to find an EMP3 for sale.

I will also try to do a side-by-side range comparison.