
bad decisions and wrongful crap......post here

Missing something....student loans? Peanuts. Billions for Ukraine is ok while our people suffer....we are not ok.
1st, billions for Ukraine is NOT okay, did we not learn anything from Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. apparently not. As for student loans, they made an agreement and now don't want to hold up their end of the bargain. Even a six year old understands if they borrow their friend's new bike they have to give it back. They freely chose to borrow $ from the taxpayer so they could spend years playing organized grab *** while the rest of us worked to provide that $. PAY UP!
"North Carolina counties demand full property tax payments — even for homes wiped out by Helene"
This is just another example of Gov. thinking that they are the masters of the people not the servants. "It's the law" just another cop-out BS excuse. Someone should be able to make a good living selling rope in N.C.
Yes. Plus if the area was declared a state of emergency, in most state, the governor has unbelievable authority and power. Powers that are antithetical to the foundations of our form of government. Covid lockdown should have given us a SMALL glimpse to this if anyone had been paying attention. I'll bet the state doesn't collect these taxes, so the town and country that dose, could refuse to collect which may only slow down the process but yes something could and should be done. Sadly, in rural areas, the majority of property taxpayers are working men and women that have made sacrifices to own a bit of land they can call their own. People like that are NOT represented by any political party, and the only time politicians care about them is at election time.