

Orange- communication
Blue- water
White-proposed excavation
OK I lied, i didn't know it, being from Arkysaw we ain't got none of those things. Only communication we got is this here interwebs and talkin to the neighbor. We still use coal oil lamps and ice blocks for fridges. gotta go pull on the well handle to get water. our sewer is a hole dug under the outhouse. Gas is something we don't like and usuallu comes from eating too much possum belly and beans.
Clearly she can play and she has excellent taste in music.
That’s actually a very easy song to play. The rythym part she’s playing anyway. It’s cowboy chords. That song was one of the first songs anyone my age in America, myself included, learned how to play. The guitar she has is extremely light and you can see she’s using her picking hand to hold the guitar tight to her head while she uses her thumb to strum. I guarantee you I could do this with my SG with no problem. Compared to what Hendrix was doing behind his head, it’s not even in the same ballpark.

The story of that song is much more interesting. I talked to Ed King (RIP) several times on the internet about this and other stuff. Including politics. Ed was with us politically speaking.

Anyway they were at Hell House and Gary was strumming those chords in a very basic, folky kinda way and Ed grabbed his guitar and started doing it with the stops ( the way the song was picked that we’re all familiar with). That prompted Ronnie to do his usual thing which was to roll his hands to indicate Ed should keep doing it while Ronnie started singing it, putting a melody and lyrics to it. So while Rossington is credited as a co writer, he really only came up with the chord arrangement. The rest of the music, including the two spectacular lead solos and all the passing lead riffs is all Ed King.