I had an hour to kill yesterday afternoon while Mrs. BassCliff went shopping. Following
@KillerFord1977's advice, I left my timer in the range bag and practiced my dot torture drill slow and steady. This was the first dot torture drill from the session, "cold", from five yards.
OK, not too bad for my first effort. I had a couple of really bad runs and had to start all over. Here are a couple of the better efforts.
I was about to call it quits and thought, "OK, just one more."
If you give me the line breaks, I think that one was pretty good. Since this one went so well I thought, "OK, just another one more."
Drat! I had a couple shots go really wide shooting strong hand only and weak hand only. Otherwise, this one didn't suck too bad either. Then, just for fun, I put up a B-8 target and put ten laser hits on it from ten yards.
Hmmm, eight hits in the X ring, one in the 10 ring and a flyer in the 9 ring. Still, this dot torture drill, if I take my time, seems to be helping my concentration. I'll keep it up and see if it translates to my live fire practice. Thanks for playing along!
Thank you for your indulgence,