Hello all, here is today's article posted on TheArmoryLife.com. It is titled “Battle of the 4.25" 1911 Pistols — Garrison vs. Emissary” and can be found at https://www.thearmorylife.com/garrison-vs-emissary-1911-pistols/.

The rail will be in the holster, if you’re doing it right.Both are a bad choice for concealed. Both weigh a ton, give me an aluminum frame. Don't want a cheese grater digging in my side either with that rail.
As a full-on devotee of the USP—Having some add on's added to my USP45 full size, while in there I found a used P229 Legion for sale at 898.00 may look into it but the down side I'd have to start collecting 9mm ammo.
One word: RoninIf I was looking to find the finest 1911 possible for under a grand, it’s simple — the Garrison all day long.