
Bear Attacks Man, Saved By Neighbor with a 45 ACP Pistol

The question was how would you react? The guy with the gun was just standing on his drive way when the bear attacked. He came forward with what he was carrying and took care of business. In my case that also would of been confronting the bear with what I was carrying which would of been a 9mm 1911 with 124 gr +p+ ammo. Now if I had just arrived home from the range I would of had a 270 win in the back seat that I could have grabbed. Of course I could have also run in the house for a rifle while the guy gets mauled and I'd likely drop the rather small bear with one shot.
I would hope repeated shots from a 9mm with 124gr +p+ hollow points would stop a rabid bear.
I was a campground host at a national forest campground in Montana and carried my 10mm every day, I was told flat out by National Forest Law Enforcement that hollow points in any caliber are no good on bears. He told me to stop a bear you need to shoot solid hard cast rounds in 45acp or 10mm
I was a campground host at a national forest campground in Montana and carried my 10mm every day, I was told flat out by National Forest Law Enforcement that hollow points in any caliber are no good on bears. He told me to stop a bear you need to shoot solid hard cast rounds in 45acp or 10mm
Montana has BIG bears. 10 mm as a minimum, though I’ll stick with my old .44’s. A hot .44 pushing a 300 grain hard cast ain’t much fun to shoot, but it certainly packs a big punch.
Problem with that is you may not be able to get off multiple shots. If you are dealing with anything dangerous you need to stop it right now-not a few minutes downrange.
ABSOLUTELY! Have you fellows ever seen a bear in the wild? VERY muscular and faster moving than one would think. I've shot black bears with 12ga slugs and wouldnt want to hafta use a pistol especially a 9mm. I know it has reportedly been done but I'm not sure I can believe that.
Have you fellows ever seen a bear in the wild?
. about 75 yards from my tree stand
