
Bear Buster? Federal Syntech Solid Core 10mm Review


Yeah, Roger that! I'm all to familiar with the History of the the FBI shooting 10mm and then the development of the 40S&W, but why dose Federal keep producing an under powered 10mm Self Defense load in their premium ammo line up? if people want a 1000 fps .40 cal load
for SD then shoot a 40S&W not a 10mm! I have a ten because I like the power! Isn't that the whole point of "The Big Ten" (ha ha ha!) Correct me if I'm wrong? By the way. I load my mags with Hornady's 180 XTP load in 10mm for a SD load. 1200fp if you're not familiar. Check'm out! Thanks for your reply bud!
HydraShok isn’t their premium load—HST is.

HydraShok is 30+ year old load.
I h
I've always carried Buffalo Bore 220gr hard cast in my G29 when hiking. Nice to have some other options...
Heard hard cast bullets arn't good for Glock barrels. Not sure my self. But that's why I don't shoot them in my G Model 20 That's just wut I've heard. To each his own. I'd I've seen some pretty sloppy load jobs by Buffalo Bore too. Bullets and primers not seated well, so on and so on. Makes a guy wonder how accurate and safe their powder charges are! I've also had the casing of a 220 Buffalo Bore load get stuck in the chamber of my 1911 once after discharge. My opinion on Buffalo Bore is strictly my own. I'm just telling you my experience with thier ammo bud! Shoot fun, shoot safe and shoot straight!
HydraShok isn’t their premium load—HST is.

HydraShok is 30+ year old load.
Understand that I've been shooting them for thirty years. I've got a box of 44mag HYDS in my ammo locker 25 maybe 30 years old. But if you go down to the sporting goods store today and buy a box. The box is Labeled "Federal Premium" 10mm hydroshock! I can show you a picture if you like. Federal has multiple different loads in their premium and standard line up of hunting, target, and self defense loads!

Understand that I've been shooting them for thirty years. I've got a box of 44mag HYDS in my ammo locker 25 maybe 30 years old. But if you go down to the sporting goods store today and buy a box. The box is Labeled "Federal Premium" 10mm hydroshock! I can show you a picture if you like. Federal has multiple different loads in their premium and standard line up of hunting, target, and self defense loads!
Just because they call it “premium” doesn’t mean it’s their “top of the line” load.

Kinda like Winchester & Silvertips…they call it “Super-X” or a something similar, but Ranger-T far outperforms it.

And I bought my fist 10mm—a S&W 1066–easily 20+ years ago. I’ve been around.
Because it's a 10mm not a 40S&W !!! That why! I bought my Glock 20 thirty years ago. it has three numbers in the serial number. I've been a 10mm fan long before 10mm was popular and Frank C Barnes figured it to become a wildcat due to its impopularity 25 years ago. So as you see, I've also been around! I'm not questioning your judgement or experience! I'm questioning Federals under powered Premium self defense loads!
Because it's a 10mm not a 40S&W !!! That why! I bought my Glock 20 thirty years ago. it has three numbers in the serial number. I've been a 10mm fan long before 10mm was popular and Frank C Barnes figured it to become a wildcat due to its impopularity 25 years ago. So as you see, I've also been around! I'm not questioning your judgement or experience! I'm questioning Federals under powered Premium self defense loads!

If it sells, and sells well, there is obviously a demand for it.

Why mess with what sells just to satisfy recoil-junky fanboys? Particularly when there are other loads that Federal makes that satisfies that niche?
If Federal labels it as "Premium" than that's wut they are selling it as! Premium Ammo my a**!!! Oh yeah, I was wrong about the Hornady XTP in 10mm. It's 1275 fps not 1200fps like a good 10mm load should be!


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Now your making it a recoil thing?!?! Don't go there with me. Americans are intimidated by "To much Reciol!" I'm avid Hunter that has big guns in big bear country don't turn this conversation into something else. Maybe if Federal stepped up the HYDS load in 10mm it would sell even better. Ever think of that? It's not about recoil to me it's about STOPPING POWER!!! I'll just end it there.
By the way. No hard feelings. I enjoy a good intelligent argument as much as anyone especially about guns and ammo!
In my honest opinion the 50 Action Express, the 500 S&W the 475 Linebaugh, the 460 S&W even the 454 Casul are all way over kill hands guns. If you can't kill it with a .41 or .44 mag you need to put the hand gun down and pick up a high power rifle or 12 gage shot gun. But once again. That's just my opinion...
None taken.

Thing is, there’s plenty of “full power” 10mm loads out there; in my opinion, 10mm’s TRUE strength is it’s adaptability…from .40 on it’s low end to hot .357 at it’s top; it’s good to have the lower end opti

Good point.
Wuts anyone know about those Swift A-frames in Federal's Premium Ammo line up in 10mm? I've never seen them before! Wut kind of velocity and energy do they produce. The A-frame is an excellent big and dangerous game projectile. A favorite among African and Alaskan hunters I didn't even know Federal offered it in 10mm? Anyone have any info on the load?