
Best Oil for Rust Prevention?

I don't know if you worked around cops, but the last thing their thinking about is taking care of there gun. 95% will not even dry it. I have a officer telling me that one of his rear night site is burn out. After removing the BBQ sauce off the sight it was good to go.

That’s a pretty broad generalization Ricky. I do work around cops. I also train with cops and have friends who are cops. Your statement isn’t true for any of the ones I know.
That does remind me of something I realized the other day when working on a friend of mine’s guns. He was a marine for 12 years. He was EOD in Operation Desert Storm and he was an armor. Of all the people I know his guns are the filthiest and least taken care of. He also has a habit of buying cheap pieces of crap. Well, I shouldn’t say crap I suppose, but he’s carrying around a Taurus G2 right now, which I cleaned Sunday. It was ridiculously filthy and the one magazine he has for it doesn’t always feed reliably. His current occupation is a federal park ranger. I guess that’s kind of a cop.
yes it was broad generalization. In my department the motors squad do it. I'm sure no all officers are that way. Bob Park Ranger isn't really a cop. But I did see them put on a set handcuff bambi... 😉