
Best way to deal with my new niece

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My brother and sister in law are about to have their first kid. Given that my other brother is a priest I'm going to have to be the crazy uncle. My sister in law hates pets, they aren't going to have firearms or weapons in their house, and are in almost all ways average, middle-class, suburban white people. Despite also being a middle-class suburban white guy I'll be the one teaching her how to shoot, make a fire, handle animals, hunt, survive in the wild in summer and winter, probably rebuilt engines, etc. For the other crazy uncles on here, how else can I best undermine their parenting :)
Its is kind of funny, but my wife used to work with a guy who had a pistol in the house. His wife was adamantly opposed to guns of any kind. She woke him up during the night one night and said "Bruce, I think I heard something in the house. Get your gun." My wife told him (when he told her the story) that he should have said loudly "You can come get this woman in here. She doesn't believe in guns. Better not touch my kids, though." I think this kind of thing is referred to as situational ethics.
By the way, back in the day we would have called your brother "hen pecked." He needs to stand up for his kids. Despite the political correctness these days, I still think it is a man's duty to protect his family. That includes teaching his kids to be self sufficient. My $0.02 worth. :)
By the way, back in the day we would have called your brother "hen pecked." He needs to stand up for his kids. Despite the political correctness these days, I still think it is a man's duty to protect his family. That includes teaching his kids to be self sufficient. My $0.02 worth. :)
I agree with that. I think being hen pecked is more and more common with guys being more afraid to disagree with their woman. Thankfully the woman I'm with and I have a good understanding.
If you talk to a Police officer.They will tell you that getting involved in a family dispute is one of the most dangerous calls they can get.You stick up for one member of the family & the others turn on you. Getting involved in a family dispute is a no win situation.Plus you might find yourself on the reciving end of a lawsuit for messing with someones family.Your choise.Make it a wise one
If you talk to a Police officer.They will tell you that getting involved in a family dispute is one of the most dangerous calls they can get.You stick up for one member of the family & the others turn on you. Getting involved in a family dispute is a no win situation.Plus you might find yourself on the reciving end of a lawsuit for messing with someones family.Your choise.Make it a wise one
That's not what I mean. My brother and sister in law are very happy with their relationship. My original post is tongue in cheek. I will certainly teach her things they might not but I'm mostly joking.
....For the other crazy uncles on here, how else can I best undermine their parenting :)

From one crazy uncle (I may or may not have shown my nephews - then aged 10 and 8 - "appropriately" screened excerpts of all of the Jackass seasons/movies) to a soon-to-be, I think you'll be just fine, given your sense of humor. ;)

Just be yourself. I've got a good feeling that the kiddo is gonna love you. (y)
I personally would continue to live the way that you normally do. I would have an open conversation with the parents. That conversation would be letting them know that when you are around your niece will be around a firearm, that you camp and build fires, and work on cars. And for the time you share, if she is interested in doing so, you would like to share your knowledge on those topics with her. Not to influence or intrude on their beliefs, yet to allow your niece to know who her uncle really is. I'm sure as you are not trying to change any major concepts that her parents live by in their home it will probably be OK. Perhaps open the conversation from a viewpoint that you want to be the best uncle you can be. And that you ask for their blessings to allow you to share your interests with her. But only one event at a time. Let them get used to one topic before you throw another one in the mix. But above all...... Reassuring her safety as being the top priority should be your number one goal.
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