
Biden Admin Continues to Terrorize Gun Owners

Bidon is out, harris is out, _____ will be the demoratic nominee. Barry is the one currently speaking in the earpiece of you know who. It's on video.


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Bidon is out, harris is out, _____ will be the demoratic nominee. Barry is the one currently speaking in the earpiece of you know who. It's on video.
She is as qualified as Kamala.

The parties can choose soooo many qualified people. Man or woman. Colored, white, Hispanic, Asian or other… sooo much great talent out there to lead our country.

Problem is they dont want the job. The best to lead us dont want the Presidency. They cannot stand the politics and idiotic way the Govt is run.
You guys are killing me! Have you forgotten about our very own governor here in Illinois? He's made it abundantly clear he wants to run for president, not only that but he just sold out the Illinois taxpayers to the tune of billions, BILLIONS of dollars to the CCP so they can build a EV battery plant here in the state.

We're sunk, Joe and the Democrats have sold out our country to the communist.

You guys are killing me! Have you forgotten about our very own governor here in Illinois? He's made it abundantly clear he wants to run for president, not only that but he just sold out the Illinois taxpayers to the tune of billions, BILLIONS of dollars to the CCP so they can build a EV battery plant here in the state.

We're sunk, Joe and the Democrats have sold out our country to the communist.

and yet they fight to stop lithium mines here at home????
Getting back to Hunter..........
The acorn doesn't fall far from the tree. They've got him dead to rights. Absolutely no doubt he's guilty. Yet, I'm almost certain that somehow he'll get off either with probation or just a slap on the wrist.
If it was one of us, we'd be facing years in prison. 🤬
Getting back to Hunter..........
The acorn doesn't fall far from the tree. They've got him dead to rights. Absolutely no doubt he's guilty. Yet, I'm almost certain that somehow he'll get off either with probation or just a slap on the wrist.
If it was one of us, we'd be facing years in prison. 🤬
Agreed. Hunters daddy has already said his son has “done nothing wrong” even though he broke the law for lying about drug use on the (4473) to buy a gun.
Anyone’s who’s last name isn’t Biden would be in jail.
The old man wouldn't know the truth if it bit him on the face. No surprise Hunter has the same affliction. They live in a make believe world that is beginning to collapse. If mainstream media had done its job and exposed the incompetence, falsehoods, and downright stupidity of that cabal we wouldn't be in the economic and national security straits we are in, not to mention the constitutional crises on the horizon. I firmly believe term limits in Congress is the first step needed to break the cycle of corruption.
We better hope not.
We have a state constitution with very specific written election laws. 21 of those laws were broken openly and expressly without the proper changing of the constitution in both 2020 and 2022, and our GOP did nothing. All 21 of those laws will be be broken again in 2024, because they got away with it twice with no repercussions. The election in our state is rigged. Why is Covid coming back now? Duh.
We have a state constitution with very specific written election laws. 21 of those laws were broken openly and expressly without the proper changing of the constitution in both 2020 and 2022, and our GOP did nothing. All 21 of those laws will be be broken again in 2024, because they got away with it twice with no repercussions. The election in our state is rigged. Why is Covid coming back now? Duh.
My comment is regarding Michelle Obama. If they announce her as the democratic nominee in the next couple months she will win the election over Trump, cheating or not. She is way more likable than Hillary or Biden. Democrats and undecided independents who might hold their nose and vote for Trump rather than see another 4 years of grampy will vote for her. Republicans in the mold of Mittens and McConnell will vote for her over Trump too.