
Blew the dust off the XL650 last week

I've competed in several disciplines for many, many years. I have no idea how many thousands of rounds I've loaded on my 650. Also loaded bunches of rounds on the old standby RCBS Rock Chucker single stage press.
I've competed in several disciplines for many, many years. I have no idea how many thousands of rounds I've loaded on my 650. Also loaded bunches of rounds on the old standby RCBS Rock Chucker single stage press.
I use my Rockchucker for rifle and seldom used pistol calibers
Way back when I started out on I think a Lyman hand held tool was all I had. As I got more serious about reloading, on or about 1975, getting a rock chucker was a big step up for me. At that time I was a police officer in small town in Louisiana making a little over 400 bucks a month. There wasn't much left over for " I want'a things. "