
Bragging Rights....

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At the technical college I taught students from 18 to 80. Course content was in the industrial maintenance
technologes. Electrical, digital, hydraulics, pneumatics and even courses like sheet metal fabrication. Although
classes ended at 22:00 I was known to stick with any student having problems to way past midnight.
One evening a student told me he had an opportunity to get a pretty good position. His apprehension was
based on the test he had to take. He was really nervous and wanted to know if I thought he would be ready
for this 8 hour test! I said you have a more than fair shot at it. Carrying a 93% average I told him I felt he'd be fine.
Next day in class I asked him how it went. He said he was done in two hours and thinks he got a low score.
He remarked that it wasn't anything like my tests. Seemed awfully easy. Done so soon. Found a matching
answer to what he thought it should be or calculated.
Two weeks later they called him in and gave him the results. Next class he asks to speak to the class for a minute.
Pointing at me he tells them to soak up every thing I say or do. "A year and a half ago I knew nothing of the
subjects we are taking. Two weeks ago it took me two hours to do an eight hour test. Well thanks to Mr. (Me)
I Ace'd that test. The company is starting me at two pay grades higher, I have no probation period and get full
benefits. Thank you Mr. (Me)." After that I dismissed the class for an early break so the old Sarge could get is
eyes dried up. Teaching at any level is very rewarding.
That's awesome!
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