
California Authorizes 40 Day Waiting Period

Like that 40 day waiting period is EVER going to stop gang bangers...
Jesus people wake the fook up!
Have you ever noticed that the party that keeps screaming how Trump is a fascist authoritarian and is going to take everything is the actual party doing it right out in plain sight?
Yet we're the stupid deplorables...
According to this video, the state is deciding to declare you 'eligible' to own a firearm, when all along I've been under the impression the 2nd Amd does that and the NICS background check was to determine you were not eligible ... in other words 'prohibited'. The wording does make a difference folks, words mean things!!! Damn these anti 2nd Amd folks are so damned irritating ... and WRONG. Where the hell is their head in the real world? They keep bouncing around different numbers of days for waiting periods and thus keep making new and different laws. Maybe one day the SCOTUS will rule that no number of days making one 'wait' to enjoy his/her constitutional right to "keep and bear" arms is constitutional and put a stop to this insanity/asininity.

The 2nd Amd deems all citizens eligible, otherwise it wouldn't say "The right of the people "......" shall not be infringed", implying all citizens have the right and it's up to the lawmakers to create a constitutional block or condition (law) to the citizen enjoying that right. It's not up to them to determine you have a right already guaranteed to you by the constitution.
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Don’t forget, Newsom more then likely will replace Biden if the elite thinks he doesn’t have a chance against Trump, and this kind of gun law is what this current administration has been wanting for awhile, if this guy replaces Biden, this may be just the start if the right doesn’t win in November…… just my thoughts
Like that 40 day waiting period is EVER going to stop gang bangers...
Jesus people wake the fook up!
Have you ever noticed that the party that keeps screaming how Trump is a fascist authoritarian and is going to take everything is the actual party doing it right out in plain sight?
Yet we're the stupid deplorables...
That's the liberal's game ... tell a big enough lie often enough, and folks will begin to believe it. In fact in the book "Rules for Radicals" by Saul Alinsky he talks about and touts the use of lying by using examples of what they themselves have done, but blaming it on the conservative side. Don't think I've ever run across an example of the opposite that stands out.
Don’t forget, Newsom more then likely will replace Biden if the elite thinks he doesn’t have a chance against Trump, and this kind of gun law is what this current administration has been wanting for awhile, if this guy replaces Biden, this may be just the start if the right doesn’t win in November…… just my thoughts
That's likely true, but hopefully if any anti-2nd Amd stooge is elected, the conservative voters can hold on to the house and gain the senate and be able to prevent that.
why doesn't the government hold these states that go against supreme court rulings in contempt (not saying in this case). whether it be the governors or mayors that go against scotus rulings should go straight to jail and lose their right to own a firearm!
Why stop with mayors and governor's? Go after the senators and representatives who vote these laws up for the governor to sign.
Did they (senators and representatives) also swear to uphold the constitution? Yes!