
California Democrats Pass Bill Granting Illegal Immigrants Interest-Free Home Loans Up to $150K


Founding Member
California Democrats have passed a bill allowing illegal immigrants to qualify for interest-free loans of up to $150,000 to purchase homes. The legislation makes illegal immigrants eligible for California’s Home Purchase Assistance Program, which offers first-time homebuyers interest-free loans to cover down payments. The program has already distributed more than half a billion dollars across nearly 4,000 loans, and the new bill ensures that applicants cannot be disqualified based solely on their immigration status.



The bill’s author, Democrat Assemblymember Joaquin Arambula, defended the legislation, claiming it would attract individuals with strong credit scores who could contribute to the state's economy. “So for those who have a good credit score and who qualify for a loan, we are saying that we want you to set roots here in our great state if you qualify, only if you qualify,” Arambula stated.

IF THEY ARE ILLEGALS...HOW DO THEY HAVE ANY credit score much less a good one..????
The first question is if your are illegal why are you purchasing a house. Now I know why California is going broke! Idiots for lawmakers and idiots for citizens for electing them. Sorry if that upsets you but it's the truth. Citizens need to stand up and put an end to this B.S
Wait a minute. Illegal aliens aside, they're giving interest free loans to people ? WTF is wrong with these idiots ?
the same idiots that put together slave ancestor reparations....millions of dollars to the ancestors......equaling billions of dollars

wanna make reparations..??

pay what was paid for the slaves back then.....

what sense does this reparation BS serve.???

tax payers being punished for the few slave traders back in the day...go after THOSE families, that have mansions, islands, business all built on the slave trade...not all of us Americans.
This is nothing more than pure insanity but is glaringly obvious that it is an attempt to strengthen the democratic base.
As already mentioned what can $150,000
Buy in California other than maybe a high quality cardboard box.
And what financial institution is going to run this program?
While hosting the campground in north/west Montana I had many California residents spend time in the campground and none had anything good to say about the current governor and government as a whole.
Pure insanity.