
Can “Pro-Gun” Democrats Be Trusted?

I would agree with the general sentiment here, that is that we should be very wary of trusting politicians, especially those who have been in the swamp for a long time. 47 years gets you...Joe Biden.

I always laugh at a Democrat who says "I'm a hunter. I own guns," because they are the first to get in line to take YOUR rights away if they think it may further their career. Sadly, I have a fear that there are more than Susan Collins and Mit Romney in the GOP who would be willing to throw the Constitution under the bus to advance their career, as well.

I don't trust any of the establishment ruling class to protect and defend the Constitution. That makes it more imperative that we are informed voters and make sure to participate in the primary process so we can influence who represents our values. Otherwise, we may very well be forced to support another weasel who doesn't have a "D" next to their name.
I grew up 15 mins from Boston Massachusetts and there was no shortage of so called pro gun locals that were all for adding restrictions or outright banning certain firearms and accessories. Most of these guys claim that there's no need for X-amount of rounds in a mag or you don't need that rifle to hunt a deer.

This type of mindset is also known as being a Fudd.

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