
CC permit states - top 10

While I fully agree with Bassbob, to ME the potential hassle of being stopped out of state w/o a permit more than justifies the getting of a permit (plus here it simplifies the whole purchase process)

Between your comment and BassBob's :

It makes a big difference in the potential ramifications of " Undocumented Self Protection Abilities " .

For some jurisdictions, at certain time periods , the potential sanctions were trivial. One that stuck in my mind was a $25 Citation, no jail time , akin to a parking ticket .

Nowadays, in some places carrying w/o Permit can be a Prohibiting Offense .
Our Sheriff ( good guy) spoke at KC’s last night. We are a Constitutional Carry state. When questioned about a CC permit vs Constitutional carry, HIS recommendation was to go with the permit, for the following reasons (1) if you leave the state your permit allows legal carry in many others (2) greatly speeds up/simplifies purchases, and (3) if the event that you ever use a firearm in self defense, you WILL wind up in courts. He stated “ I will guarantee you that you will be asked about training you’ve received. With a permit you can show that you met the state’s requirement re knowledge of the law AND skill with a firearm. While admittedly this is pretty minimal, it Does show intent on your part to know and comply with the law”. He urged those who carry to get AND document their training. Makes sense. We all know that lawyers will twist and distort reality to clearly show their perspective (ie innocence of Their client). The better prepared you are to rebut their arguments the better off You are.
Both my wife and I have our Texas LTC (license to carry). Even though TX went constitutional carry awhile back, it is still worth it to us to maintain our LTC. I won't go into all the extra benefits of a LTC over constitutional carry in TX, but I find it well worthwhile. And on the very low chance I might travel out of Texas, I think it is worthwhile to have. I just don't go to states that don't recognize it.
My wife and I got ours before the permitless carry laws when into effect. I loathe to call them CC, because it's far from that. It is absolutely worth having and renewing, no doubt about it.
I have concealed carry for New Mexico for over 20 years. Now that we have a waiting period to purchase a firearm with a concealed carry I can walk right out with it after a NICS check. Mine is a veteran one and is good for 5 years. They do not charge anything to a veteran, if not veteran its $75 for 4 years. I just have to pay to attend renewal class and shooting range. Also at 2 year point you are required to shoot again to keep license in force. It's a pain but a lot of people here never shoot to stay in practice.
I have concealed carry for New Mexico for over 20 years. Now that we have a waiting period to purchase a firearm with a concealed carry I can walk right out with it after a NICS check. Mine is a veteran one and is good for 5 years. They do not charge anything to a veteran, if not veteran its $75 for 4 years. I just have to pay to attend renewal class and shooting range. Also at 2 year point you are required to shoot again to keep license in force. It's a pain but a lot of people here never shoot to stay in practice.
If Missouri passed a law like this I would get a permit. Maybe. On second thought, it's not really that big of a deal. Most people can go in and buy a gun and walk out with it in about 20 minutes.
NC requires a permit, so to legally carry concealed my wife and I both have permits. We carry almost everywhere we go without any worry about breaking any laws. We do avoid NY, NJ and IL at almost all costs. We are currently freezing our asses off in FL while on vacation but making the best of it.