

Interesting read on Kamala Harris is more radical on guns then sleepy Joe

Just about everyone I have heard reporting on this has been saying this same thing. She is dangerous.
well from what i have read on a ccw website, and i have no way of confirming, but i will try.......

many gun owners are not registered to vote....

so what gives?

save your gun rights, or let someone else take them away..??
So So many gun owners are SO apathetic with their gun rights because it doesn't pertain to them. By that I mean I hear so many say they do not own a AR-15 so they do not care. Well that statement reminds me of the old Nazi saying,
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Martin Niemöller
Switch out that for
They came for the AR's I do not have an AR so I said nothing and voted for nothing
Next they came for high capacity mags, I have no high capacity mags,
Next, next, next until they take everything, they just do not get it!
Prime example LOOK AT ILLINOIS. Does anybody understand that 99.899% of firearm owners in Illinois RIGHT now are illegal because of the DRACONIAN law that was passed by the Chicago Democrats? They insist we "register" our firearms and pay a tax to keep said items. WTF don't people understand or see about this!?? Wake the fook up!!
well from what i have read on a ccw website, and i have no way of confirming, but i will try.......

many gun owners are not registered to vote....

so what gives?

save your gun rights, or let someone else take them away..??
So So many gun owners are SO apathetic with their gun rights because it doesn't pertain to them. By that I mean I hear so many say they do not own a AR-15 so they do not care. Well that statement reminds me of the old Nazi saying,

Switch out that for
They came for the AR's I do not have an AR so I said nothing and voted for nothing
Next they came for high capacity mags, I have no high capacity mags,
Next, next, next until they take everything, they just do not get it!
Prime example LOOK AT ILLINOIS. Does anybody understand that 99.899% of firearm owners in Illinois RIGHT now are illegal because of the DRACONIAN law that was passed by the Chicago Democrats? They insist we "register" our firearms and pay a tax to keep said items. WTF don't people understand or see about this!?? Wake the fook up!!
The left has been trying to split the hunter contingent from the 2A/shooter/self defense contingent since the 90s. You're right. Taking away military style firearms doesn't get a lot of people's attention, right up to the point of registering/taking away your bolt action rifle, and your lever action, and ....
The left has been trying to split the hunter contingent from the 2A/shooter/self defense contingent since the 90s. You're right. Taking away military style firearms doesn't get a lot of people's attention, right up to the point of registering/taking away your bolt action rifle, and your lever action, and ....
Will this insanity ever end? Over the decades our country has seen many trying times but what's going on now is very scary.
It will never end as long as the communists are in power. They will continue until the rights we were born with are gone. They’re brainwashing the younger generations and turning them against America and American values for decades. We are now reaping the fruits of that, and unless it stops soon it WILL be too late (if it’s not already).
Interesting read on Kamala Harris is more radical on guns then sleepy Joe

And unfortunately VP KH will win the election if the former president doesn’t stop acting like an ignorant child.
He constantly talks about others lying when he is the biggest lier there is.
The man has unrelenting diarrhea of the mouth, every time he opens his mouth I get disgusted.
And unfortunately VP KH will win the election if the former president doesn’t stop acting like an ignorant child.
He constantly talks about others lying when he is the biggest lier there is.
The man has unrelenting diarrhea of the mouth, every time he opens his mouth I get disgusted.
Rather have him then the alternative in all honesty, I don’t care for either, but he is a better choice in my opinion