
CDC tracked cell phones for Covid Lockdown compliance on over 20+ Million residents

yes, yes I AM REALLY SURPRISED, that sometimes when i fart...and all that comes out is air.......

(wait till you get to be MY age)
What in the holy heck !!!
Talk about over reach by a govt agency.
Even if they claim it was for data gathering or info purposes.

Always knew the Govt tracks folks, and this just shows a small sliver of how and why.

Yes, they started this at the beginning. A tracking app was downloaded during your phones update. You had to go in and manually shut it off/uninstall it. If you even knew about it. The info was on many sites on the internet.

Sure, but none of these are permanent solutions. You can't always have your phone off. Nor can you always have Wi-Fi or BT off if you intend to use the phone as it was designed. If you do everything on that list you might as well have one of those flip phones they sell on TV to old people. And even then your phone carrier will sell your data. Even if your GPS radio is off, your phone carrier has a real good idea where you thanks to the towers.

FWIW, I have my phone set up with location services off except when I want to use it. I also have no invasive apps apps and have my phone turned off most of the time once I am home. Nevertheless I am not under the mistaken impression that the government or a talented hacker can't track me.
CDC tracking people is old news...over a year ago the world was all talking about an app that would alert you you if you got within a few feet of an unvaccinated person....used all over Europe...did not fly in the US (20 million of 350 million = did not fly). Crises and fear make many do amazingly self-detrimental things.

Sounds like some of you might be amazed to learn if you have a conversation with your spouse/child/anyone and your i-phone/android is on and nearby, you might get pop-up ads later about something you discussed, both on your phone and/or on your pc/mac. This has been going on for years...your smart phone, if on, is listening....maybe even your dumb-phone, I mean flip? Not sure about flips...
Sounds like some of you might be amazed to learn if you have a conversation with your spouse/child/anyone and your i-phone/android is on and nearby, you might get pop-up ads later about something you discussed, both on your phone and/or on your pc/mac. This has been going on for years...your smart phone, if on, is listening....maybe even your dumb-phone, I mean flip? Not sure about flips...
Yeah, not so much. That is something you CAN and should control. In order for your phone to listen to you, mine data and sell it to a 3rd party who then gives you " Suggestions", via pop ups you have to have your mic enabled and/or have some app running in the background.
CDC tracking people is old news...over a year ago the world was all talking about an app that would alert you you if you got within a few feet of an unvaccinated person....used all over Europe...did not fly in the US (20 million of 350 million = did not fly). Crises and fear make many do amazingly self-detrimental things.

Sounds like some of you might be amazed to learn if you have a conversation with your spouse/child/anyone and your i-phone/android is on and nearby, you might get pop-up ads later about something you discussed, both on your phone and/or on your pc/mac. This has been going on for years...your smart phone, if on, is listening....maybe even your dumb-phone, I mean flip? Not sure about flips...
Oh, I know phones and Alexa listen in.
But govt using the data, is not kosher.
Marketing, I guess includes uncle sam.

I had to go do 💩 in the woods one hunting trip after running around after hogs at night. Told the crew I was going to go 💩 in the woods.
My Iphone for 3 days showed camping toilet ads and whatnot for going in the woods 😬😬😳😳😳😂😂😂🤬🤬🤬😂
What in the holy heck !!!
Talk about over reach by a govt agency.
Even if they claim it was for data gathering or info purposes.

Always knew the Govt tracks folks, and this just shows a small sliver of how and why.

This is not the first time, and I am sure it will not be the last.
You all need to turn off location services on your cell phones and not install stupid apps or Facebook on them.
When I was working as a security guard there were a couple of Office Buildings that I had to check every night.

After about 3 weeks of doing that my phone started prompting me to "review" certain businesses that I had been in. In one case I was prompted to review the clubhouse of a golf course and I only went to in response to a burglar alarm. I have location services turned off on my phone but Google knew I was there.
When I was working as a security guard there were a couple of Office Buildings that I had to check every night.

After about 3 weeks of doing that my phone started prompting me to "review" certain businesses that I had been in. In one case I was prompted to review the clubhouse of a golf course and I only went to in response to a burglar alarm. I have location services turned off on my phone but Google knew I was there.
Sounds like you have Google Maps on your phone.