
Chicago asks gangs to not shoot 9am-9pm

So if it's already illegal to kill people why are they begging people to stop? Very confusing!

I don't live in Chicago but 15 years ago I used to work in downtown Chicago, great city, tons of stuff to do. It's unreal how fast it went downhill. Now I have no desire to go into the city for anything. The last mayor basically turned Chicago into Gotham City and now the idiots elected what looks like will be even a worse mayor and they complain about crime and it being a sanctuary city for all these migrants. You reap what you sow, as soon as my kid is out of high school I'm leaving this POS state.
That’s the same with San Francisco tons of great things to we use to catch Bart and go to the ball game’s Friday night. City went down hill crime drug infested miss that good old days in the city
Oh thank God they came up with that idea, I feel safer already. That combined with tearing down 100+ year old statues and renaming Lake Shore Drive should have things cleaned up in no time.
Regardless I’m not setting foot in Chicago City limits ever again if I can help it and grew up in Chicago and I live 16 miles from its nearest west border.