
Closed Ports/Panic buying

I know plenty of plumbers. They ain't making $100/hr.

Longshoreman make about 200k a year with OT. Plenty of people work a lot harder for a lot less. One thing I know, this little strike charade they pulled will most certainly get the "Automation revolution" kicked into high gear. Long Beach, cited as one of the least efficient ports due to "Union protectionism" and lack of automation, is already pushing towards a new citing. Lack of humans. It's just a matter of time.
Ditch the Unions. For all trades
Ditch the Unions. For all trades
They're mostly useless anyway. The only union left in the trades with any power is the IBEW. My union ( USW ) barely knows we exist. Our (local) BA makes twice as much money as we do and they did nothing to stop the company from bringing in contractors to do a of of our work. They put cameras in the trucks that record in the cab including audio and in every contract ( at least since I've been here) we lost something and never gained anything. As far as I can tell the only thing the union does for me is take $122/month out of my check.
I was in the Arkansas teacher's union for 38 years, they were so so. the last few years i worked they were not worth a crap. but never did they ask for such a huge amount. the dock workers union were asking 77% over six years. our union might start at 7% and we would end up getting 1 1/2 or 2 %.

Most time it was for a single year, not multiple. but still would only get a small amount. some years we didn't get anything. the public schools are in shambles and have been for a while. i won't get into the reasons but most of you know why. i would have peed myself with a 61% raise. might even bought another machine gun back then.
I was in the Arkansas teacher's union for 38 years, they were so so. the last few years i worked they were not worth a crap. but never did they ask for such a huge amount. the dock workers union were asking 77% over six years. our union might start at 7% and we would end up getting 1 1/2 or 2 %.

Most time it was for a single year, not multiple. but still would only get a small amount. some years we didn't get anything. the public schools are in shambles and have been for a while. i won't get into the reasons but most of you know why. i would have peed myself with a 61% raise. might even bought another machine gun back then.
We usually get 3%/year. Until this last contract this past August. We get 3% the first 2 years and 2% the last year.
We get 3-4% COLA most years from profits with the company. If company does well, they give all employees regardless of tenure or pay scale 3-4%. We do bad, may be 1% or nothing. Encourages everyone to do their part. Last year was a above avg year for profits. We got 5%
When I lived in Canada, every job I had required me to belong to a union. When I worked in aerospace, it was the Canadian Auto Workers, when I was with security it was the Canadian Union of Public Employees. Went on strike twice with the CAW. Lost a lot. Nobody wins with a strike. And as @Bassbob said, they were only really good at taking hundreds of dollars from my pocket.
No fan of unions here. About a year after 9/11, while I was still a commercial diver, I was on a big gas pipeline job going through Boston Harbor. It was all union work up there. Hardly any of the local union commercial divers from the NE had any oilfield experience. So half the crew were shipped in Gulf of Mexico commercial divers with offshore oilfield experience. We were "fast tracked" into the union to get the job done. That experience left no doubt in my mind why most union construction jobs in the NE are so expensive and corrupt. Now fast forward many years after my career ending diving accident and now being a federal employee. In TX there is no requirement to be in the union. And I am not. What really was the last straw with unions for me was when the union would not stand up for the workers who were opposed to the vaccine mandate for federal employees. They refused to stand up for us federal employees who refused the mandate. Thank goodness for a federal court putting a stay on the mandate before we would have been fired. Screw those unions.
I have worked construction for forty plus years as a Journeyman Electrician/ Foreman.
I love when the average American bitches to me what they have to pay for service calls.
They don't have a clue that the high price is charged by the contractor which covers the serviceman's wages, plus the overhead of his building, utilities plus the wages of their non-working office staff, tools and a truck.
The serviceman gets less than half of his cost.
The media loves to make the workers seem greedy by saying they make $100.00 an hour on the check when in fact they may be payed $40.00 an hour and the rest is probably what the contractor or company is giving the employees in health and welfare and retirement which is their total package.
I have worked construction for forty plus years as a Journeyman Electrician/ Foreman.
I love when the average American bitches to me what they have to pay for service calls.
They don't have a clue that the high price is charged by the contractor which covers the serviceman's wages, plus the overhead of his building, utilities plus the wages of their non-working office staff, tools and a truck.
The serviceman gets less than half of his cost.
The media loves to make the workers seem greedy by saying they make $100.00 an hour on the check when in fact they may be payed $40.00 an hour and the rest is probably what the contractor or company is giving the employees in health and welfare and retirement which is their total package.
Those dockworkers are making more than $40 plus their benefits packages. Which most of their benefits are provided by the union anyway.