
coffee cups, you have a favorite one or two, or more..??

When I am at home drinking from non travel mugs, I prefer Diner style mugs. As Reacher talks about in the old Reacher books, I like the mug walls to be thick and the diameter not to be too large so the exposed coffee surface is minimal to prevent rapid cooling. I have a hella mug collection from all over the world, but my OG Diner style mugs are the old Krispy Kreme one, the old Waffle House one and one of the old style Starbucks mugs.
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I seem to be a magnet for these things. The Starbucks cup on the left which has actually got my morning tea in it is my favorite.

I did not pay a dime for any of the cups or the thermos in this picture. I found them all over town when I was working as a security guard and these are just the ones I kept. This photo also doesn't include the Hydro Flask water bottles I found all over town.

The one on the left sat on a loading dock for 2 weeks. Some utilities employee left it there I did not touch it until the day I walked over and noticed the inside of the cup was full of mold. At that point I decided he didn't want it and I brought it home and I boiled it and I scrubbed it and I still use it everyday.

I don’t think Starbucks makes these cups anymore I've seen them on eBay for anywhere between 30 and 50 bucks.

The Stanley thermos belonged to a coworker of mine. He left it at work after pulling in all night shift. I was his relief I dumped it out, I rinsed it and I put it in my car. Then I sent him an email telling him I had and that I had put it in my car so that it wouldn't disappear before his next shift. I let him know that he was free to pick it up at any time or I would return it to him the next time he was on my site.

He sent me back an email and told me he didn't want it and I was to throw it away. I sent him back another email and reiterated that it was no problem and I was certainly happy to return it to him and he told me again to get rid of it.

So I sent him back another email acknowledging what he told me and telling him that I was going to dispose of it as he wished. I took it home and boiled it and I used it for 2 years when I was working nights at FedEx. It kept my tea hot until I finished it.

I'm not going to go through the story of every single cup but I found them all over town.

Usually when I found one it was in a parking garage and it had booze in it and I'm assuming they either didn't want to take it into the bar or they didn't want to get caught with it in their car. I would take them home wash them out and all but the best ones I gave away.
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This is the one I use every morning and it keeps the tea hot until I'm done with it.
That Stanley thermos brings back a lot of memories.
I went through a few of them in my career, had to replace them from being dropped at various heights.

I think I already said I'm more of a tea drinker than a coffee drinker but when I worked at FedEx I would fill up the thermos and the cup with tea before I left for work. And I would have hot tea to last me the whole night.

My Stanley Cup is a dedicated hot chocolate cup I don't put anything else in it.


I've always kind of felt bad about keeping that thermos but like I said I told the guy two or three times that it wouldn't be the least inconvenience for me to get that thermos back to him and he refused every single time.

I suppose I could have just given it back to him anyway but he explicitly told me that he didn't want it.

I wondered if he had alcohol in it or something but he never struck me as that kind of guy and I certainly didn't smell any alcohol in that thermos.

The bad thing was that he went out and replaced that Stanley Thermos with a cheap Aladdin that probably didn't last him a month.

He was kind of weird and very Job Scared.


This is where we worked. the fence line was a mile around. 90% of the property was undeveloped. There was an area the size of a football field right in the middle of it where they had all the Propane tanks and some Office Buildings at the end of that tank field if you look on the extreme left side of the picture you can see the top of the main office building.

This guy worked exclusively nights and if he was out walking that fence line and he got to the farthest point of the fence line and he had to take a leak he would document where he stopped and that he walked back to the office to use the facilities and then walked right back to where he stopped on the fence line and continue his "Patrol".
In the middle of an open field in the middle of the night.

They had a rule that anytime the temperature got below zero all exterior foot patrols were suspended.

Everybody else would put in their log every hour "Per instructions all patrols suspended. Monitoring cameras in the office." At best you would get maybe three quarters of page out of that.

This guy could sit in the office all night long just monitoring cameras and he would turn in three pages of report. He was terrified that he would get fired for not doing his job right.
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do you guys know or realize, that nearly all the cups (or mugs) shown, are not really a measured cup..??

meaning that many of us are actually drinking 1.5 to 2.5 "cups" each time we fill those up..??

2 of my doctors, my primary and urologist always ask me "how many cups of coffee do you drink daily"?

i often answer....."at least 6....CUPS........"

"oh you gotta cut back, no wonder you're jittery or peeing too much"......... :ROFLMAO:
My favorite coffee cup is plain black . That is until I put hot coffee in it . Then it starts turning to show a picture of me sitting in a rocker with my Jack Russel ( Joe ) laying across my chest.

When we first picked him up , at 6 weeks old , he was whimpering so I put him across my chest and patted his butt like you would a baby. From that day on every time he wanted in my arms he wanted to lay on my chest.

My oldest step-daughter got the picture and sent it off somewhere to get it transferred onto the cup.

I wish I knew how to transfer pictures because I would love to share it. Before any of you kind folks say , " Oh it is easy just do ..... etc.... ." Please save your time. It has been tried before. ☹️