
Crime Rampant in Austin

i don't understand what the hell you are saying...the former mayor was a loser, or did you not get that..??

anytime a cop did something that went against the status quo, the mayor would give him up to the news reporters and wanted him suspended or fired.

that also went for the commissioner who was supposed to be a "cops cop" he too would serve up a cop to the crowds to appease them, and would talk to the news media.

one instance was a cop slow speed chasing some punk, that was driving one of those scooters with a gang of others, who were terrorizing the citizens on those ATV's and dirt bikes,

cop cams caught the punk crashing into a building, the cop car NO WHERE near him, the punk lost control all on his own.

to appease the anti-cop morons, the mayor and commissioner gave up the cop to the press and crowd, WITH OUT due process....

how do you think the union felt, knowing thier bosses (the mayor and commissioner) were just giving up cops to the defund police crowd...??

you either support your police or GTFO of town......

this mayor gives them his full support and backing...

so my questions to you are...

1) are YOU anti cop, or DEFUND the police..??

2) are YOU a socialist..??

3) are YOU a commie...???

4) are YOU even a born AMERICAN citizen..???
Bottom line. I hate unions. If unions are for it, it is suspect from the get-go in my eyes.
Bottom line. I hate unions. If unions are for it, it is suspect from the get-go in my eyes.
i am not a union man myself, i only worked for 1 union company, and it sucked.

i do not support union strikes, and bleeding of the companies, but this is different, for the police union to actually appreciate a mayor that supports them, and doesn't give them up for nothing.
well yeah i did say the new mayor is a democrat, unlike the former loser who was as well, and defund the police too.
At least the new mayor is trying to protect the citizens by getting more officers on the streets with the 2 academy classes per year. Better than the previous mayor for this alone unless his policies affect the capability of the force. Next step is to ensure that the DA prosecutes the arrests in accordance with the law, with maximum sentences for those violent felons found guilty.
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At least the new mayor is trying to protect the citizens by getting more officers on the streets with the 2 academy classes per year. Better than the previous mayor for this alone unless his policies affect the capability of the force. Next step is to ensure that the DA prosecutes the arrests in accordance with the law, with maximum sentences for those violent felons found guilty.
our DA is pretty good about prosecutions.

but then yes, it's the judges and the "judge shopping" the lawyers do to get thier scumbag clients off.

i always felt that judges ought to run for office, and not be appointed for life.
In my lifetime I have lived in a lot of places all over the country. As a result I have formulated a rule of thumb that has seemed to work quite well. It has to do with the lot size of your residence. The house size is not a factor - just the lot size. It seems that you will have a better quality of life and enhanced safety if you move to a neighborhood where the lots are a minimum of one acre. The larger the lot, the safer and happier you are. To me, it seems that man was not meant to live stacked like cord wood. People with less land to take care of have too much time to devote to stupid things. There is nothing more honest and real than mounting that Kubota with a 60 inch mower deck on a Saturday morning. Great satisfaction comes from that time thinking about real basic life instead of some foolish, abstract cause. You are far away enough from your neighbors that you can't hear their petty arguments and have to confront them.

Do yourself a favor and get 10 acres and a tractor (or mule) and a lot of life's issues will melt away.
I have 50 acres. I have a Kubota but I don't mow all of it. And I feel fairly safe, still have a firearm in reach at all times.
I spent the first 18 years of my life trying to get off the farm and the next 32 trying to get back on it. We moved to the ranch and although I was called up and gone a lot after 9/11, life is good out here.


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