Why write about something you are unable to purchase? That doesn’t even exist? Seriously, was the article a teaser to gauge interest? On paper it D&L’ 45acp) looks outstanding. Good article though.
Why write about something you are unable to purchase? That doesn’t even exist? Seriously, was the article a teaser to gauge interest? On paper it D&L’ 45acp) looks outstanding. Good article though.
I tried a box of the Hornady. One of the .45s didn't like it so I gave the rest of the box away. 230 Gr. HSTs for all my .45s.Lauck goes into some detail of the ammunition on his website... http://www.dlsports.com/dl-45-acp-bullet.html
It's personal preference. I tend to stick with 230gr HST and Gold Dot. I like the Hornady Critical Defense round but some of my pistols do not always feed the round reliably. The OAL is a tad longer than HST or Gold Dot.