
Daffy Zone…..

Wine doesn't cut it for me. Make mine a double!
Some poor slug marries the woman of his dreams only to discover his mother-in-law comes as a package deal. This woman does nothing but berate and emasculate this poor fool for years and years, His wife often joins in because she discovered her mother's ire turns to her if she tries to defend him. One day while clearing out the basement of an old, dingy house they purchased a few months back, the husband discovers a vase. He took it upstairs to show to his wife. The Mother-In-Law immediately and greedily claims it as hers. As she was cleaning it up, a plume of smoke started to come out and it whirled around almost like a tornado. Low and behold, the Mother-In-Law had set a genie free.

Genie: Oh my goodness! A million thanks for setting me free! I've been cramped up in there for thousands of years! For my freedom, I will grant three wishes.

MIL: I'll be rich! and young! and beautiful! and famous! Mine, mine, it's ALL mine!

Husband: Now wait a minute Gertrude, this is MY house and I found the vase. So everything is MINE!

Wife: (very soft spoken) Mother, can't we all have one wish each?

Genie: One wish each is very fair. But being that the old woman actually set me free, she will get double what you each wish for should she decide to share her wishes.

MIL: That sounds fair but one of you worthless sacks had better wish for riches!

Wife: I'll go first. Genie, I gratefully wish for 10 million dollars.

Genie: Done. You get 10 million dollars and the old woman will get 20 million dollars.

MIL: I wish for everlasting youth and beauty. (MIL transforms into a 20 something stunningly gorgeous woman.)

Husband: I wish for you to beat me half to death.
Really? Only one of you thought this was funny? I thought it to be a personal best myself!