
Daffy Zone…..

I did this once (not quite the face plant, but close)...and that was all it took. I was test riding a Diamondback in ND, back when they trusted you to take the merch out of the shop without buying it first. Going too fast on a park trail and hit some deep construction ruts. Didn't meet a nurse (or a handsome doctor for that matter). Had to carry the bike back to the shop about a half a mile. Thought for sure I would have to buy the bike cuz I twisted it up real bad. Me? I was upped on adrenaline so I didn't feel it until much later when we got back to the campground. I walked in the shop with said broken bike over my shoulder, and they dropped what they were doing. They weren't worried about the bike, they were all over me with a first aid kit. I look back at that and wonder just how I managed to get to be as old as I am right now...
I did this once (not quite the face plant, but close)...and that was all it took. I was test riding a Diamondback in ND, back when they trusted you to take the merch out of the shop without buying it first. Going too fast on a park trail and hit some deep construction ruts. Didn't meet a nurse (or a handsome doctor for that matter). Had to carry the bike back to the shop about a half a mile. Thought for sure I would have to buy the bike cuz I twisted it up real bad. Me? I was upped on adrenaline so I didn't feel it until much later when we got back to the campground. I walked in the shop with said broken bike over my shoulder, and they dropped what they were doing. They weren't worried about the bike, they were all over me with a first aid kit. I look back at that and wonder just how I managed to get to be as old as I am right now...
Oh yeah. Diamondback. I was a BMX racer when I was young. I had a couple of them. And Hutch. Very light. I got into just as lightweight, strong, alloy rims were hitting the market. I could hold my Diamondback up by the frame with two fingers. There was a sewer lid that was askew at the bottom of a hill on a road near where I grew up. I used to race down that hill and hit that sewer lid and do table tops over cars sitting at the stop light. Lots of fun.
Oh yeah. Diamondback. I was a BMX racer when I was young. I had a couple of them. And Hutch. Very light. I got into just as lightweight, strong, alloy rims were hitting the market. I could hold my Diamondback up by the frame with two fingers. There was a sewer lid that was askew at the bottom of a hill on a road near where I grew up. I used to race down that hill and hit that sewer lid and do table tops over cars sitting at the stop light. Lots of fun.
It's a darn good thing it was a light bike. It was hard tho...I was stupid, yeah. Anyway, the deal was - test drive a bike and you get a six pack of pop (should have been beer, but I digress..). They probably were able to fix the bike because, as I remember, it was mainly the forks bent up. Then again, the frame was a bit compromised :cool: . Turns out they gave me my pop. They said I earned it:ROFLMAO:. I wanted the bike, but my ex-husband gave me a glare, so it was no-go.
It's a darn good thing it was a light bike. It was hard tho...I was stupid, yeah. Anyway, the deal was - test drive a bike and you get a six pack of pop (should have been beer, but I digress..). They probably were able to fix the bike because, as I remember, it was mainly the forks bent up. Then again, the frame was a bit compromised :cool: . Turns out they gave me my pop. They said I earned it:ROFLMAO:. I wanted the bike, but my ex-husband gave me a glare, so it was no-go.
It's a darn good thing it was a light bike. It was hard tho...I was stupid, yeah. Anyway, the deal was - test drive a bike and you get a six pack of pop (should have been beer, but I digress..). They probably were able to fix the bike because, as I remember, it was mainly the forks bent up. Then again, the frame was a bit compromised :cool: . Turns out they gave me my pop. They said I earned it:ROFLMAO:. I wanted the bike, but my ex-husband gave me a glare, so it was no-go.
I bet you would give your ex a glare right back & then some nowadays.
It's a darn good thing it was a light bike. It was hard tho...I was stupid, yeah. Anyway, the deal was - test drive a bike and you get a six pack of pop (should have been beer, but I digress..). They probably were able to fix the bike because, as I remember, it was mainly the forks bent up. Then again, the frame was a bit compromised :cool: . Turns out they gave me my pop. They said I earned it:ROFLMAO:. I wanted the bike, but my ex-husband gave me a glare, so it was no-go.
I smashed one up pretty good. You know those rock bluffs on the sides of highways where they blasted out to put the highway between them ? I jumped off one about 18' tall. I survived, the bike really didn't. It's also how I found out "Tuff Rims" aren't really that tough. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: