
Daffy Zone…..

i can only type with 2, maybe 4 fingers, and i must always look at the keyboard.

still i kept hitting the danged M key, when i wanted to hit the coma (,) key..

so i removed the M key.

then, i kept hitting the CAPS LOCK key, and of course, people think i am screaming at them

so i removed the CAPS LOCK, key

then sometimes i hit the Windows and ALT key, taking me to the desktop.

so i removed the Windows and ALT key.

now, when i want to type, i cannot finish any words or sentences.

i tried "voice typing".........but my wife caught me on a plethora of porn sites.
"i tried "voice typing".........but my wife caught me on a plethora of porn sites."
- May be glad she's not of the same removal mindset? :)
Orange cones?
Maybe orange marmalade in that there bottle?

But, could be one of the next few too?
The new national or state bird hatching more safety cones for our roadways?
Some truckers used to call those orange cones Schneider eggs scattered on highways. (Their trucks were orange.)
Or.....if thinking of flamingos, might want to be careful of what eat or sit may come to mind? :)