
Daffy Zone…..

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Although I went to a public school we had neighbors who had a son and daughter who went to a catholic school, my sister and I were friends with both.
The boy was very rebellious and I remember hearing once how a Nun took a ruler to the boys hand for speaking out in class, she hit him once and on the second swing he grabbed it and took it away from her and literally beat her bloody with it. The police were called and they did nothing.
He was of course expelled and the family moved away.
Someone else I knew that was In the same class said the Nun never returned to teaching.
Personally I can’t understand how a teacher was allowed to do that to a student, very barbaric.
I just went to a public school, yea I got into trouble and have been paddled , no biggie if I deserved it. We had one teacher who thought he was Mr Tough Guy, he liked to intimidate the younger kids all the time by scaring them he was going to paddle them, now I was no athlete, but I was a good size guy, 6’ 1” about 230, the group I hung out with were just plain guys, went to school, did our classes. This teacher was threatening a smaller kid, took him out in hall for no reason and was going to punish him for just talking in class, me and my friend Mike, who was a similar size as me, told this teacher, if you hit this kid for doing actually doing nothing, we were going to show him how it felt, long story short he turned us in, but the investigation the school did showed this teacher was out of line most of the time with punishment and he was put on something like a watch for the rest of the school season, then eventually quit the next year, don’t like bullies, won’t put up with bullies, no reason for any teacher to act like one
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