
Daffy Zone…..

That's my old ride. After a few good investments I've since upgraded and now I'm driving in true style.
IKR? Put ur phone down & go help the poor person , unless it’s a brawl between 2 knotheads & the wisest thing is to record it .. for posterity .. & evidence .. certainly not for entertainment value
Unfortunately society has evolved to where so many only care about themselves and love seeing others suffer.

That is why I choose not go into cities as they have degraded so much.

I remember one incident a few years ago in Miami.
There was a homeless person who fell into a fountain and was not able to get out and was asking for help.
There were some local kids who saw this person's position of drowning and he we pleading with the kids to help.
What did those kids do: They all were laughing and video the poor man drowning asking for help.
They kept video going all the while taunting him to just die old man.
Soon the person drowned and what did these kids do, all of them uploaded the videos of this person drowning and died while asking for help as they all laughed.
Afterwards the police could not arrest them as there are no laws regarding watching someone die.

This is what the traitor demoncraps and deep state have done to this country.
This is just one of many events this country has degraded to and unless stopped will get much worse.