I'm older than that. I remember having to give the number to the operator so she could connect me. I remember newsreels and cartons before the first of the double features, and a yo-yo contest between features. I remember coke machines where you had to reach in and pull your own bottle out. I remember coffee shops with free refills. I remember the Fuller Brush man. Plus a lot of other stuff I am trying to forget.
As Elmer used to say, "when in Asia you must be vewwwwy caaful."
How well I know and remember that!!!! But that's all in the past now ... I literally worked my ass off, yeh, it literally fell off one day. Just dropped right down onto the floor. So I said to hell with it, I'll just retire. "True story"!
Well, obviously we'll be paying for these student loans as well!!!
Maybe not, but "being conceived in the back of a jeep" sure makes somebody a contortionist.!!!
I'm pretty sure a hangman's knot requires thirteen turns (wrap arounds) to work. Well not really. A simple noose/loop will work but just doesn't look right in a good cowboy movie!!! LOL!
Wish I could really mean that!!! But mama won't let me have that many toys!!! LOL!
Not nearly enough of this happening today ... sadly!!!
So sad ... but so often true!!!
Wow!!! How the hell was that even possible?????
Remembered every single one of them ... and a few more not even on the list!!!! LOL!