
Daffy Zone…..

Being in the mechanical trades for most of my career, this doesn't really surprise me anymore. It scares hell out of me, but doesn't surprise me. I have seen some things that will curl your hair.

Coincidentally, just last week one of the maintenance guys here at the institution, and knows some of my background brought a picture to show me that he took in one of our very own buildings. It showed a look up through the ceiling (tiles were removed) where someone in the distant past had very carefully wrapped duct tape over a very small leak/drip at a joint on the 'fire suppression' water system in the overhead. I thought now just how the hell any pipe fitter, or even a general maintenance man could have thought that duct tape would ever hold a water leak under pressure???

Turns out he was a little smarter than I gave him credit for I guess .... after a little closer examination of the tape repair, it became obvious he had left just one little portion of the tape loose to form a trough of sorts that directed the leaking water to a drip pan he had placed in the overhead. Understand now, there was no drain from the drip pan, it just caught the little drip from the taped joint.

Apparently at the time, the drip was slight enough that the water caught from the drip would evaporate before over filling the drip pan. Well, that was some number of years ago so we figured either the leak got a little worse over time and caused the drip pan to overfill and leak on down onto the ceiling tiles, or the sides of the drip pan rotted down to a shorter side and allowed the water to overflow onto the ceiling tiles before evaporating. :rolleyes::oops::unsure:

This will be a funny story to most folks with a mechanical background, maybe not so much to the rest. If not, my apologies.
Boy, this really hits home! Some years ago my young bride had just returned home from the hospital after some pretty significant surgery. Being the kind of generous husband I was and am, I offered to do the laundry, at least until she got off her crutches and got the stitches out.

Well first time I'm trying my best to get it all right by yelling out any questions I had from the laundry room to her back in the living room. Out of all the stuff in the wash that day (and I still believe she put it in there just to confuse me), was a real heavy, dark colored 'sweat shirt'. Well, I wasn't sure just how I should handle that, like put it in with her undies, my white T-shirts, etc, So I yelled out ... "Honey, what do I do with this heavy, dark sweatshirt"? She yells back to me (in a less than confident tone ... "What does it say on the shirt"? So in my most confident and convincing 'good husband' voice, I said "It says University of Alabama". Still not sure to this day why she stumbled all the way out to the laundry on those danged crutches. She almost slipped and fell and would have made a really nasty scratch on my truck. :confused::oops: