
Daffy Zone…..

Latest survey says that 45% of parents are going broke/going into debt taking their kids to Disney. Just what is wrong with people? Seriously. Grown azzed adults need to learn to say "No". Growing up, if we couldn't afford to do something, we didn't do it. Period. We found other things to do. People really need to get over Disney.
Latest survey says that 45% of parents are going broke/going into debt taking their kids to Disney. Just what is wrong with people? Seriously. Grown azzed adults need to learn to say "No". Growing up, if we couldn't afford to do something, we didn't do it. Period. We found other things to do. People really need to get over Disney.
Much as I agree with you Onewolf, it's not just Disney. So many parents today want to be their kid's 'bff's' far more than their parents. It applies to cars parents buy for the kids with more money in the sound system and fancy rims than most of us could count back in those days, high dollar watches/neck chains, 2-3 latest/greatest cell phones with unlimited contracts, and don't forget the $1,200+ sneakers. Yeh, Disney gets a lot of the rap, but it's anyway/anywhere parents should be saying "NO", but end up saying "Well, OK honey, whatever you want".

Ride by almost any high school parking lot these days and look at the cars there. Very late model, high end/high dollar cars with all the extras. Then look at who gets in/out of those cars and look at the way they're dressed. Now I don't want to paint with too broad a brush, because there are some really good kids these days too. The problem for all is the few who never hear the word NO, make it hard for all the others to reconcile the unfairness. That's when some of them resort to shoplifting and other crime to compensate for what they feel like they've missed out on. And unfortunately the few left that try to do the right thing, are often unfairly grouped in with all the bad ones.

There are truly some really good kids today, but all the others make life harder for them.