
Daffy Zone…..

Except his primary (dare I say only?) rifle in the movie was a 1903 (A4?). Or was your post sarcasm?
i dunno, as i said, i copy/paste what's on the page..maybe before he had that particular rifle you speak of, he did have a garand...?? in another battle? does garand thumb fade away, or stay with a person for life..??

i dunno, i ain't a rifle guy

i just copy/paste, and move onto the next, copy/paste.
Her Mom, Debbie Reynolds, when interviewed about the heyday of Las Vegas, the Mob control etc., said something to the effect that people who ended up in graves in the desert deserved it. She came across as pretty cold blooded.
given that it was a well known fact about the "casting couch", i'd say if a woman stands up to the creep, he ought to back down, stick his tail between his legs, and hope she doesn't file charges...(ie) Harvey Weinstein....