
Daffy Zone…..

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actor Kevin Bacon didn't like being a "nobody", and wanted to go back to being famous????

excerpts. ..............

Speaking to Vanity Fair, Bacon explained that he went to great lengths in order to live out his fantasy of being a non-celebrity. “I’m not complaining, but I have a face that’s pretty recognizable,” he said. “Putting my hat and glasses on is only going to work to a certain extent.”

Bacon continued: “I went to a special effects makeup artist, had consultations, and asked him to make me a prosthetic disguise.”

The actor was given fake teeth, a new nose, and glasses before heading off to the busy Los Angeles mall The Grove for a taste of ordinary life.

Bacon says the disguise worked, “Nobody recognized me”, but the experience left a lot to be desired. “People were kind of pushing past me, not being nice. Nobody said, ‘I love you.’ I had to wait in line to, I don’t know, buy a f***ing coffee or whatever. I was like, This sucks. I want to go back to being famous.”

well excuse me Mr. "F-ing special", you're lucky people go to the movies and pay to watch your self absorbed attitude
