
Daffy Zone…..

While Cronkite was always the true professional on the air. Most people don't know that off the air he was an extreme liberal and supported socialism.
He was not too subtle about his thoughts on the Tet Offensive which he painted as a US defeat instead of the victory that it was, especially when it terminated the VC as an effective fighting force (some say done intentionally by the NVA). He didn't mind being an agent of influence for the left, but was good at being neutral on air.
If you find it, you can have it.
I just looked it up on Google maps and there it was, big as day!!! Man, that's a chit load of cars and trucks way out in the desert! In fact there's what's left of what looks like a 1982-5 ElCamino outside near the front entrance that I'd almost drive out there to get. But alas, it looks to be pretty well picked over. I'd like to roll that trip into a Muley and Pronghorn hunting trip at the same time. Just not sure at my age I could stand all the excitement! And thinking about it a little, there's probably several more on here I couldn't invite along for that same reason.......................... ;):D
junk/salvage yards like that, are slowly losing land to developers that want to build housing, and strip malls.

was a time once here, we had more junk yards than dunkin donuts.
He was not too subtle about his thoughts on the Tet Offensive which he painted as a US defeat instead of the victory that it was, especially when it terminated the VC as an effective fighting force (some say done intentionally by the NVA). He didn't mind being an agent of influence for the left, but was good at being neutral on air.
I agree. He helped shape the anti-war effort. We won that damn war over there, and lost it in our living rooms on the 6 O'Clock News.
junk/salvage yards like that, are slowly losing land to developers that want to build housing, and strip malls.

was a time once here, we had more junk yards than dunkin donuts.
Oh yeh, and not just junk yards are losing out to developers. Drive in movies, Amusement parks, race tracks (all kinds ... cars, horses, dogs), outdoor flea markets and other outdoor venues, camp grounds/even large mobile home parks, sadly even big family farms, and the list goes on. Land for development has become far to valuable for most anything other than an outright big $$$ sale. I think it was Mark Twain who said "Buy land, they're not making anymore"!