
Daffy Zone…..

This Day In History July 7 1928 Sliced bread sold for the first time by the Chillicothe Baking Company, Missouri, using a machine invented by Otto Frederick Rohwedder. Described as the greatest forward step in the baking industry since bread was wrapped.
By 1928, Rohwedder perfected a bread-slicing machine with Bench as the only investor and he marketed the sliced bread to the public. The patented machine not only sliced bread with multiple blades but also wrapped the bread efficiently. Bench's Bakery sold their Kleen Maid sliced bread beginning on July 7, 1928.
By 1933, around 80% of bread sold in the US was pre-sliced, leading to the popular idiom "greatest thing since sliced bread".

This Day In History July 7 1928 Sliced bread sold for the first time by the Chillicothe Baking Company, Missouri, using a machine invented by Otto Frederick Rohwedder. Described as the greatest forward step in the baking industry since bread was wrapped.
By 1928, Rohwedder perfected a bread-slicing machine with Bench as the only investor and he marketed the sliced bread to the public. The patented machine not only sliced bread with multiple blades but also wrapped the bread efficiently. Bench's Bakery sold their Kleen Maid sliced bread beginning on July 7, 1928.
By 1933, around 80% of bread sold in the US was pre-sliced, leading to the popular idiom "greatest thing since sliced bread".

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Chillicothe's claim to fame these days is the prison.