
death by firing squad today

Agree. The amount of time that passes between conviction, sentencing and punishment generally seems extreme when we learn of such cases. This is especially true when the person admits guilt.

While I can understand the need to review each death sentence, the process appears to be fraught with extreme delay. Doubtless we will learn of a flurry of last-minute legal maneuvering which causes casual observers (if this is a fair term when speaking of a human being's life) to question why these arguments couldn't have been advanced earlier.
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored:
SOBs shouldn't get the choice of their execution so they can make headlines and a spectacle out of their death. One last :censored: you to the victim's family, the system and a great big "look at me, look at me. Give them a shot of whatever is used to put cats and dogs down. Then shovel dirt on them and move on. No funeral, fanfare nothing.
this may be ghoulish but i am curious about what they'll use. .308? 5.56? pistol caliber? what type of rifle? AR or bolt gun? optic?
i'm not sure how i feel about the death penalty anymore. i am totally on board with swift justice. however, mistakes are made, people are wrongly accused and we have a less than perfect justice system. the idea of government sanctioned "anything" is not comforting. death is permanent and if a mistake is made somewhere along the line there is no mulligan. i don't know, maybe i'm getting soft as i get older.
however, this guy, who freely admits to what he did, he will certainly get what he deserves.
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored:
SOBs shouldn't get the choice of their execution so they can make headlines and a spectacle out of their death. One last :censored: you to the victim's family, the system and a great big "look at me, look at me. Give them a shot of whatever is used to put cats and dogs down. Then shovel dirt on them and move on. No funeral, fanfare nothing.
No burial. Cremate them and sprinkle their ashes over a trash dump👍
this may be ghoulish but i am curious about what they'll use. .308? 5.56? pistol caliber? what type of rifle? AR or bolt gun? optic?
i'm not sure how i feel about the death penalty anymore. i am totally on board with swift justice. however, mistakes are made, people are wrongly accused and we have a less than perfect justice system. the idea of government sanctioned "anything" is not comforting. death is permanent and if a mistake is made somewhere along the line there is no mulligan. i don't know, maybe i'm getting soft as i get older.
however, this guy, who freely admits to what he did, he will certainly get what he deserves.
Kinda hoping for 6.5 creed >.<
Hi Point 995. Let's not overthink this and get carried away.
download (9).jpeg
i don't know, maybe i'm getting soft as i get older.
however, this guy, who freely admits to what he did, he will certainly get what he deserves.
i find i am getting harder and harder on crimes

now, speeding, or taking a right on red, (where the road is clear) are crimes for sure, but the crimes of murder, rape, B&E, burglary, stealing fraud, and so on and so forth, nowadays in many states run by the progressives, THEY are soft on crime, all due to "racial injustice"...???

gimme a break...black, brown, yellow, red or white.......

you committed the crime based on your past history, not your skin color

no racial profiling was involved in any of the crimes.....

and personally, i care less of stats, showing the numbers of "colors" that committed the crimes

colors mean nothing..the crime(s) do.