
death by firing squad today

I believe in the death penalty. If you take a life, you should forfeit yours. I also believe it should be applied in a timely manner. Allow 2 or 3 appeals, if conviction stands, get it over with. I feel that feeding , housing and caring for a convicted killer for 20 years or more is a disservice to both the taxpayers and the condemned man.
i find i am getting harder and harder on crimes

now, speeding, or taking a right on red, (where the road is clear) are crimes for sure, but the crimes of murder, rape, B&E, burglary, stealing fraud, and so on and so forth, nowadays in many states run by the progressives, THEY are soft on crime, all due to "racial injustice"...???

gimme a break...black, brown, yellow, red or white.......

you committed the crime based on your past history, not your skin color

no racial profiling was involved in any of the crimes.....

and personally, i care less of stats, showing the numbers of "colors" that committed the crimes

colors mean nothing..the crime(s) do.

LEOs definitely need demographics. Profiling is key to finding a suspect. I totally agree that JQP doesn't need to know the stats but, naturally, arrest data must be public and people will analyze it for themselves.
yeah, but that "squishy feeling"...????
this may be ghoulish but i am curious about what they'll use. .308? 5.56? pistol caliber? what type of rifle? AR or bolt gun? optic?
i'm not sure how i feel about the death penalty anymore. i am totally on board with swift justice. however, mistakes are made, people are wrongly accused and we have a less than perfect justice system. the idea of government sanctioned "anything" is not comforting. death is permanent and if a mistake is made somewhere along the line there is no mulligan. i don't know, maybe i'm getting soft as i get older.
however, this guy, who freely admits to what he did, he will certainly get what he deserves.
The firing squad consisted of twelve soldiers selected from the 109th Regiment. The weapons used were standard-issue M1 Garand rifles, eleven of them loaded with just one round and one rifle loaded with a blank round.
This is what the US Army did at the last firing squad execution. It was the last ever performed by the US Military.

The United States Army hasn't executed a soldier since April 13, 1961.

John A. Bennett was hanged for the rape and attempted murder of an 11 year old Austrian girl.

In the entire 20th century only 135 Service Members total were executed. Mostly for purely criminal offenses during WWII.

The only Soldier who was executed for a strictly military offense since the Civil War was Slovik. He was executed for desertion on Jan 31 1945

The author of The Execution of Private Slovik, William Bradford Huie interviewed one member of the firing party for the book and let that one account be representative of all of them to protect the firing party's privacy.

When Eddie Slovik was executed his firing squad was drawn by lot from the unit he deserted. It wasn't voluntary and one of the firing partu claimed he was told that if he refused the assignment He would be shot.

The interviewee also stated that the M1 he used was dirty and kicked hard. he said that there wasn't any question in his mind that he had live ammunition. He also said the guy that drew the blank knew he had a blank because the blank didn't cycle the bolt in his M1.

There were 12 men on Slovik's firing party. He was at 11 times all in the upper chest and shoulders and died within two minutes.

We don't execute people anymore.