
Decades of Shooting: One Author’s Top 10 1911 Handguns

I like it. I like it a lot. I like it enough that if I think on it too long I may buy it instead of the M1014 I am planning on buying next month. It may seem silly for a guy like me to be hung up on a shotgun when I have more than everyone in my extended family could use, but it is what it is.

The comp is an add on—think that’s a bushing comp.

If you are going to get a Gold Cup…don’t get a new production one. Find an older (pre 2010 or so) one.

I’ve found, and so have several other people I know have found…Colt’s production quality really slipped over the past decade. That might have changed recently now that CZ is running it, but I haven’t played with a new Colt to make an educated call.
The comp is an add on—think that’s a bushing comp.

If you are going to get a Gold Cup…don’t get a new production one. Find an older (pre 2010 or so) one.

I’ve found, and so have several other people I know have found…Colt’s production quality really slipped over the past decade. That might have changed recently now that CZ is running it, but I haven’t played with a new Colt to make an educated call.
That's good information. Thanks brother.
I bought a Colt Combat Commander earlier this year, and other than a very stiff plunger spring, it's been a very reliable and good shooter. But, I also think that Colt's problem these days might be a matter of consistency - some good examples are leaving the shop and others are so-so. So if you can inspect one in person before you buy, all the better.
I bought a Colt Combat Commander earlier this year, and other than a very stiff plunger spring, it's been a very reliable and good shooter. But, I also think that Colt's problem these days might be a matter of consistency - some good examples are leaving the shop and others are so-so. So if you can inspect one in person before you buy, all the better.
My buddy who I have mentioned here a few times is the brother in law of a big shot at Browning. Through him he got to be good friends with the president of CZ. In fact he is going on an all expense paid fun trip with him to southern Turkey next month. So far the bastard hasn't done me much good getting good deals on anything. Although he gets them. His brother in law sold him a Superimposed for $300.