As u probably noticed, these threads can come alive and go all sorts of places

. As a Ronin and Garrison owner (both in .45, bought NIB), I thought I’d comment on your original base questions.
1) Parkerizing is not ‘
better’ than blued. It’s probably a faster process for mass production (think: military mobilization for war) and has that World War tradition. But I don’t think its any
worse than blued, either, in a practical sense. Good all around protection, and it works. After all, you ain’t headed for Guadalcanal anytime soon. Please note that neither the Ronin nor Garrison are offered in Parkerized anyway.
2) Ronin was advertised as having a ‘speed trigger’, whatever that is. I do indeed find that my Ronins trigger is crisper than my Garrison. Also, the slide to frame fit seems noticeably smoother. Please note however that my Garrison runs
fine. No complaints from me. But I do see/feel a difference.
3) it may be my older eyes combined with the FO front sight, but i shoot better with my Ronin. Dark slide could also be a factor (my Garrison is stainless). I also got my Ronin a year+ sooner than Garrisons came out - so thats a bit more practice, but on the other hand range time was limited due to ammo shortages. Bottom line: hard to sort out the impacts of this paragraph. YMMV.
My own determination: the Ronin is superior. Garrison is fine, but closer to mil-spec and less refined.
Love ‘em both, though
Good luck with your choice !