My upbringing would give parents today, seizures.
I was on a 22LR NRA rifle range by age 9.
I was TEACHING on a CAA archery range by age 14 - I qualified for my American Archer certification (right handed) at age 13. By 15, I also had it left-handed. In the day, I could plug a grapefruit at 50 yards, 6 out of 6 shots. No sights. Recurve, no compound. I did allow myself to fire aluminum arrows, though, instead of just warped wood ones.
Ah....muscle memory...amazing what the body can do when you fire about 200 rounds a day - 6 days a week - downrange!
For H.R. 5717, I doubt it would ever pass - the corporate lobby would fight it, just based on the statement
- removes limitations on the civil liability of gun manufacturers;
As noted here before, that step alone would be akin to suing General Motors if someone gets hurt or killed in an automobile, or suing Anheuser-Busch when someone gets killed by a drunk. Or, take it a step further, sue them if you have cirrhosis or liver cancer. God forbid, the individual take responsibility for their own actions and choices - let's find a way to blame someone else, for putting that capability into their hands in the first place. Steering wheel, beer can, or handgun. Nevermind the fact that an individual has a CHOICE to use, or
misuse, whatever item it is - it's not up to the manufacturer. It's up to the person.