
Democrats Seek to Force Vote on ‘Assault Weapon’ Ban

They just refuse to learn, like stubborn children.
They learn every time.

I've said this before, I'm going to say it again.

The Left has already won the culture War. They've been in charge of our Public Schools and indoctrinating our children since shortly after World War II.

Last week in Denver students from East High School in Denver went down to the state capitol and protested and entered the capital and demanded state representatives pass stricter gun laws because there were two shooting incidents at their school within the last month that involved gangbangers who had illegal firearms.

In one of them the shooter was a kid who was so far on the radar that he was not allowed to enter the school unless he was physically searched by the dean of students.

While the dean of students and another witness were searching the kid he pulled out a gun and shot both of them and then he ran into the woods and killed himself.

And the students think stricter gun laws would have stopped that from happening.

I give it 30 years at the most and these kids will be running this country and they will vote our Second Amendment away and they will give up their parents' guns. We won't be here to see it but I bet you it's going to happen.
I give it 30 years at the most and these kids will be running this country and they will vote our Second Amendment away and they will give up their parents' guns. We won't be here to see it but I bet you it's going to happen.
Sadly but true, I wouldn't bet against it.
All states must ratify it for that to happen. IIRC
Sad part we had both archery practice and gun safety and target shooting in both junior high and high school, both of which has been abandoned now.
They always try force through their hot button issues when the gettin’s good. It’s a matter of getting Congress on record for Yea or Nay to push later agendas and campaign re-election talking points.
They know all too well it will not Pass. Unfortunately their uninformed contituency doesn’t know this to be a well overplayed political ploy since the Founding.

When these people recently held Congress and in the past since the original AW Ban was overturned, don’t forget the didn’t push for a forced floor vote. It’s only when they need a distraction, an emotion evoking distraction from another more prevalent issue.

Fentanyl smuggling, drug overdose deaths, open borders, unaccounted foreign war funding, foreign and domestic election meddling, high consumer prices, failing economy, failures in banking industry, crypto fraud thats laundering campaign money…oh - and a laptop that keeps paying corruption dividends that goes ignored. And that’s just a few real issues Congress didn’t address.

So Congress can hoot and holler about gun violence and bans, but local level elected spend little time prosecuting existing gun violence criminals.

They‘re not making American patriots anymore.
Yes, its the grade school kids of today that will experience the full aftermath of the Fundamentally Changed America™️ - 2008 movement once and for all.
Sadly but true, I wouldn't bet against it.
All states must ratify it for that to happen. IIRC
Sad part we had both archery practice and gun safety and target shooting in both junior high and high school, both of which has been abandoned now.
We still have archery in the schools (at least some) here, and pretty active skeet/trap shooting competitions for kids, although the shotgunning is, I think, independent of the schools.