
Dems starting to push new social concept to appeal to Gen Zs


Founding Member
to make KH appealing.

Wait … Trump is Brat by their definition … wouldnt they embrace him ?? Earnest and unapologetic

“Brat,” which touches on womanhood, insecurity, competition, motherhood, relationships, partying and other topics, debuted June 7. Since then, social media users have declared that they are celebrating a “brat summer,” meaning they are embracing being earnest and unapologetically themselves.
Dems will marshall all their resources to get Cackles anointed. Tik Tok is right up their alley to get the 18-20 crowd energized. If the “influencers” say vote for her, the numb nuts will. And the Dems have enough $ to make sure they will say so. This election isn’t over yet. Months to go. I also hope Trump’s security team is on the ball, might be more Tik Tok drooling idiots out there.
the constitution is the warning and is supposed to protect us................reasons why the left wants to change it! those peeps back in the 1700's were some smart mofos............they learned about what came before them and tried to protect US as not to repeat itself...............
I hate ALL of this. Wish I could fall asleep until mid-november.
When will the huge asteroid hit?